Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

I was crying in my room after my mom yelled at me... I knew stress wasn't good for the baby but my mother stresses me out. The baby was kicking rapidly I rubbed my stomach with one hand and called Killian with the other. "Killian?" I cried into the phone. "Shh Swan It's okay I'll b over soon..." He said. "b-but my mom..." I cried. "You have a window I'll be there soon..." Killian said hanging up as I sobbed. 

-10 minutes later- Killian's POV

"Emma? Emma!" I yelled climbing into her room through the window. I ran to her side as she sobbed in pain clutching her stomach and I began to worry. "The baby?" I asked rubbing her stomach. "stress makes the baby kick more and my mom was yelling at me and... (starts calming down as he rubbed her stomach) Mmm.... That feels nice...." She said with a sigh. "It will be okay..." I said calmly. "Just rest Love..." I said sitting next to her on the bed. "Okay..." Emma said putting her head on my lap as I rubbed her stomach. "You're okay..." I cooed. "What if I am a terrible mother" she whispered to me. "You'll be a great mother! and if you ever need help I will be right here for you..." I say.  "I wish Neal wasn't the father..." She said closing he eyes. "Why is that?" I asked. "Cause he is terrible, Abusive, and mean..." Emma said. I frowned sadly, Then she said "Killy... I know this might sound weird but I much rather have you be the dad of this baby... You should sign the birth certificate!" Emma said and my mouth dropped....

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