I wake up to my alarm ringing and i sit up turning it off

Tegan : crap daniel wake up

I get out of bed getting dressed

Daniel ; what
Tegan : u need to go the kids will be back any minute
Daniel : kids what
Tegan ; u need to leave now get dressed
Daniel : my shirts down stairs
Tegan : go

I go down

Tegan : on and go now the kids cannot see u
Daniel : I'm going

I hear the door and i quickly push him into the kitchen

Tegan ; hey
Izzy ; hi
Tegan ; hello aster

I pick her up

Tegan ; did u have fun yeserday
Aster : yh we watched movies and had ice cream and then this morning we went in the pool
Tegan ; that sounds so fun I'm jelouse u had ice cream how was your night
Izzy ; it's was good
Tegan ; what did u do
Izzy : face masks chcoclate movies ya know the girls thing
Tegan : yh
Izzy : why aren't u dressed your normally ready by this time
Tegan : oh just didn't feel good this morning
Izzy : ok well i came to just drop aster off I'm gonna go visit dad
Tegan ; tell your dad I'll be within the next couple days to visit
Izzy ; i will
Tegan ; have fun
Izzy : yh

She walks out the door

Tegan ; what do u wanna do
Aster : draw
Tegan ; ok why don't u go get your pens and I'll get paper
Aster : ok

I put her down ams she goes upstairs going to the kitchen

Tegan : u need to go now
Daniel : i will but u have kids
Tegan : there my fiance's kids
Daniel : your engaged
Tegan ; yes now go please
Daniel ; why didn't u tell me u could of told me u were engaged omg i spelt with someones gonna be married
Tegan : go
Aster : who are u

I cover my face

Daniel ; I'm um Daniel tegans friend
Aster ; I'm aster
Daniel ; i like your name
Aster : thank u are u gonna draw with us
Tegan ; he has somewhere to be
Daniel : yh I'm a bussnies man
Aster : please draw with us please please
Tegan : aster
Daniel ; i can stay for 5 minutes

He looks at me

Tegan ; ok
Aster : yay

I get some paper and we sit at the tabel

Daniel : how old are u aster
Aster : 5
Daniel ; wow 5 is so big
Aster ; I'm a big girl
Daniel : yh u are but u don't wanna grow up to fast being an adult sucks
Tegan : i does i wanna be 16 again nothing to worry about at that age
Daniel : true
Aster : i might be a big girl but i wanna be older i want to have a boyfriend
Tegan ; no u don't
Aster : u have a boyfriend
Tegan ; yh
Aster : do u have a girlfriend
Daniel ; i don't
Aster : why
Daniel ; cause no one wants me its apart of life
Aster : oh
Tegan : everyone will want u tho
Aster : yh
Daniel ; how did u meet your fiancé
Aster : tell the story
Tegan ; i was um in new York working and mark came in asked for a coffee and we got speaking he asked me on a date i said yes . And after that we went on loads of dates got together i moved out to LA and he brought me the cafe i work in and proposed
Aster : and don't forget about me u raised me togther
Tegan ; yes we did
Daniel : i take it hes older
Tegan ; yh
Daniel : how much older
Tegan : 20 years
Daniel : what
Aster : daddys old
Tegan : be nice about your dad
Daniel : where is he
Tegan : away
Aster : in prison
Daniel : ok
Tegan : right
Daniel ; i should go
Tegan : yh
Daniel : bye
Aster : will u come back again
Daniel ; probley not
Aster ; please come back
Daniel : were see
Aster ; ok
Tegan : stay here
Aster ; ok

We get up going to the door

Tegan : meet tomrrow at cafe 8 we need to talk privately
Daniel ; ok
Tegan : bye
Daniel : bye

He walks out the door and i go back to aster

Tegan : do u want chicken tenders for diner
Aster : yh
Tegan ; ok coming right up

I go into the kitchen and i get started on dinner and izzy gets home and we all eat

Izzy : thank u for dinner
Tegan : no problem hows your dad
Izzy ; hes good he misses u little Minchin and he misses u to
Tegan : i miss him to
Aster : i do aswell
Izzy : he knows we all miss him
Aster : when will he be home
Tegan ; soon i promise
Aster : ok
Tegan : right i have school tomrrow u nedd a bath
Aster : no
Tegan : yes u need to be all fresh for tomrrow
Izzy : tell u what u have a bath I'll read i a story
Aster : ok
Tegan ; thank u

I mouth

Tegan ; come on then missy

I pick her up going upstairs and i run a bath and she has her bath and i brush her teeth and i take her to bed and izzy reads her the story untill she walls asleep

Tegan : thank u
Izzy : I've realised I've been a bitch to u since dad went to prison so I'm sorting my attitude out and I'm gonna help out more . U help me and aster owning your cafe and having to run dads bussnies i would think is hard so I'm helping more .
Tegan : u don't have to change who u are i can handle everything
Izzy : well I'm changing for the better so instead of baby sitter looking after aster I'll pick her up and look after her i have nothing to do tomrrow after school . Also free of charge
Tegan : thank u
Izzy : no need to thank me I'm just gonna head to bed
Tegan ; ok sleep well
Izzy : i will night
Tegan : night

She goes upstairs and i clean the dishs and i clean around the house and then i go upstairs going to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in bed

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