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It was nighttime. The snow fell gracefully to the ground, snowflakes dancing through the cool, crisp air. Winter breezes hung in the air, a beautiful wonderland of elegance and ice.

The kingdom of Arendelle was full of happiness, and the King and Queen were kind and caring to their people. They had two sons. To most people, that might seem normal...

But one possesses magic. 

And one does not.

A pair of eyes peeked over at the sleeping boy. Five year old Patton giggled a little as he jumped up onto Virgil's bed, waking the poor boy.

"Patton, what are you doing awake?" Virgil, the little seven year old asked, rolling over to face him.

"I can't sleep!" Patton said, sighing dramatically. "The sky's awake! So I'm awake! So we need to plaaaaaay!"

"Go play by yourself, dork," Virgil chuckled, playfully shoving Patton away.

Patton gave a little pout, adjusting his glasses as they fell down slightly. Then he got an idea, gasping a bit.

He jumped back up to his brother and whispered. "Wanna build a snooooowman?"

Virgil grinned at his brother, an excited glint in his eyes.

The two children rushed through the palace halls, both quietly giggling as they tried not to trip over their own two feet. They decided to have a race to the throne room, and Patton was winning.

"C'mon Vee! Last one there is a rotten egg!" Patton whisper shouted over his shoulder, running faster down the hall. Virgil smirked a bit and flung his hands in front of him, creating a small wall of ice in front of Patton, which slowed the younger sibling down. Now Virgil was in the lead.

"Hey! No fair!" Patton grinned, running around the wall of ice, trying to catch up with his brother.

"I don't play by the rules! Remember?" Virgil giggled, pushing the doors to the throne room open, and ran inside. "I win!"

Patton ran inside next and stuck his tongue out at his brother. "Yeah yeah cheater-"

"Aww don't be like that," Virgil grinned. He waves his hands a bit, creating something from snow. The snow swirled around on that specific spot on the floor, a few pieces of coal and some slim sticks joining the flurry of it. The snow started to stick together, creating a snowman. Three pieces of coal stuck to its middle, as buttons, and two pieces stuck to the face as eyes. Two of the sticks stuck to it like arms, and an extra piece went on top of its head, like a little strand of hair. 

Patton gasped, jumping up and down, excitedly. "Vee I love him!!! What's his name??"

Virgil grinned, walking behind the snowman, moving its arms and talking in a silly voice. "Hi! My name is Emile! And I like warm hugs!" He made the snowman's arms open wide for a hug.

Patton giggled, running over, hugging the snowman. "I love you, Emile!!!"

Virgil then went back next to his brother and stomped his foot on the floor. From where his foot hit the ground, ice started spreading from that spot, all the way to the whole floor. It was like an ice skating rink.

Patton grinned, trying to keep his balance, but he was failing miserably. He fell on his butt. "Oof!" 

They both broke out into giggles, Virgil going to help his brother up. Both were sliding around on the ice, trying to master it. 

"Oh! I have an idea!" Virgil grinned, standing back a bit, hands in front of him. "Pat, on the count of three, jump!"


Frozen Heart (A Sanders Sides Frozen AU)(Logicality)Where stories live. Discover now