Chapter Two

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The coronation was today.

This was the day Prince Virgil would be crowned King of Arendelle, and everyone in town was bustling with excitement. Even princes and princesses from other kingdoms came to watch the event.

A man with an interesting mustache, with two other men, were standing outside the castle. He was thinking out loud. "I wonder what this King Virgil is like~ maybe we'll be able to join forces with this Kingdom..."

One of the men raised an eyebrow. "I highly doubt it-"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well you are only the Duke of Weaseltown-"

"Westleton!" He said back to him, twirling his mustache.

"Whatever- but Remus- you aren't a prince- so they won't let you ally with another kingdom."

Remus rolled his eyes. "Don't underestimate me."

The inside of the palace was bustling with servants, all trying to prepare for tonight's celebration. The cooks were preparing food, while butlers and maids helped clean everything up. It's just a certain someone forgot about the big event, and was currently sleeping in.

Patton snored loudly, a pillow covering his face. He was tangled in his blankets, having quite awful bed hair. A knock sounded at the door.

"Prince Patton?"

No answer. Just louder snoring.

The knocking was louder this time.

"Prince Patton!"

"HuH- oh-" yawn "I'm up I'm up- wha-" another yawn "what is it?"

"You need to get up and get dressed."

"For what?" The prince sat up lazily, stretching slightly. His hair was a nightmare.

"Your brother's coronation-"

"'s...corneration..." Patton mumbled sleepily, not realizing he said coronation wrong. Wait. Coronation. Big event- Virgil- his BROTHER- WOOO! Patton has been waiting for this day for forever! He gasped, shooting up out of bed.

Some of the maids helped him get ready. He brushed his hair out and got into his suit, which consisted of a white undershirt and a light blue tail coat, and white pants. The coat had silver buttons down the front, and he had on tall black boots as well. He put on his glasses lastly, smiling when he could see again.


The window is open, so's that door!

I didn't know they did that anymore!

Who knew we owned a THOUSAND salad plates?

For years I've roamed these empty halls!

Why have a ballroom with no balls?

Finally they're opening up the gates!


Patton grinned to himself, so overjoyed and happy, he almost couldn't believe it was happening.


There'll be actual real live people

It'll be totally strange

But wow! Am I so ready for this change?

Cuz for the first time in forever

There'll be music, there'll be light 

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