Chapter 3: Epilogue

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As far as apartments go, it wasn't exactly the greatest.

The paint on the outside of the building was faded and chipped, the stairwell was dark and creepy, and the lobby always had this weird smell. The apartment itself was tiny, consisting of a small living room that went right into the kitchen and an even smaller bedroom that had one closet sized bathroom.

The first night you sleep there, you realize none of that really matters.

Because Jisoo is lying next to you, struggling to keep her eyes open as you run your fingers through her red hair, your other hand holding up a book that is propped open on your stomach. When she twitches herself out of sleep for the third time you look over, amusement on your face.

"You know you are allowed to go to sleep, Jisoo."

"Mmm..." she grumbles, "I want to wait for you."

You sigh, placing your book on the nightstand and turning off the lamp before you grab the blanket, pulling it up and over the both of you like a cocoon. She giggles sleepily as you snuggle into her, nose pressed to her collarbone as you try to fit your body against hers as much as you can. She sighs contentedly and you feel her hand slide under your tank top and up your back, fingers splayed out as she takes in your warmth.

"I'm sorry our apartment kind of sucks," she whispers, and you immediately shake your head, pressing a soft kiss to her chest.

"It doesn't matter. I'd live anywhere as long as it was with you."

She holds you tighter and you tangle your legs with hers, wanting still to be closer.

"Who knew you were such a sap?" she teases.

You groan. "Way to ruin the moment, Jisoo."


The next morning you lean against the counter sleepily, watching as coffee slowly fills up the pot in front of you. It's eight in the morning and you are about to start your first day of classes for your graduate degree. You hate mornings (that's why all your undergraduate classes were at night) but this time you had no choice.

You are already regretting it.

"Good morning mandeukie," Jisoo says cheerfully, already dressed and looking radiant. Jisoo reached out to pinch your chubby cheeks. You glare at her.

"I swear to god, if you call me that again..."

"You'll what?" she asks, stepping behind you and wrapping her arms around your waist. "Snuggle me to death?"

You lean back into her despite your grumpiness, making an irritated sound in the back of your throat.

"Are you excited for your first day of class?"

"Not in the slightest. I hate mornings."

"Wow, really? I've never noticed."

She grins at you as she moves towards the fridge and you throw the empty box of coffee mix at her.

"What are you going to do today?" you ask.

"Look for jobs, probably. The problem is, I hate everything. So I don't know what I want to do." She pauses, grabbing the carton of eggs out of the fridge. "Do you want to get lunch today? I can meet you on campus."

"Yes please."

You grab the coffee pot eagerly as it beeps, inhaling the smell as you pour it into your mug. "I was thinking of trying to get a job at the coffee shop on campus," you say. You pour another cup for Jisoo, setting it on the counter next to her as she begins to scramble the eggs.

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