Chapter 73: A Blossoming Style of Insults

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Lingchen's mouth curled into a cold smile.

He had not immediately launched his assault, but instead tagged Shi Lei, [Shi Lei, what weapon do you like to use the most when shooting action scenes?]

Shi Lei frowned but smiled all the same. This kid had finally accepted defeat, and was prepared to kiss up to him!

He replied haughtily, [I like the sword! The sword is the king of all weapons, the symbol of nobility. I wish I could travel back in time to be a swordsman!]

[That's Master Shi for you, full of confidence!]

His reply had immediately drawn the praise of the fans.

[That makes sense.] Ye Lingchen lifted his hands and tapped away at the keyboard.

[An assh*le lasts a lifetime, a scumbag pig can be resolved with the slash of a knife. There are so many weapons in China that you could learn from, but you chose to learn the sword; You didn't learn the high swords, only the low swords; Of all the low swords you chose the drunken sword. There is the steel sword to learn but you chose the silver sword! You trained yourself to be the best drunken silver sword in the martial arts world! Finally, you are the best swordsman in the world.]1

At first glance, this sentence had no problems with it, it even sounded like he was praising Shi Lei.

However, when one read the entire thing in detail, the spammers very quickly read out the insinuation within, the focus was on the word "scum"!

This kind of insult and style had never before been seen on the internet, and the replies below it immediately exploded!

[Holy sh*t, what a showoff!]

[Y finally speaks, and when he does he flaunts it!]

[Hahaha, forgive me, I only got it after 3 tries, scumbag, bottomfeeder, pervert, ultimate traitor, perfidious person. Impressive, truly impressive!]

[I never thought that Y could have such skill when dragging someone, a man of culture! Hahaha, he's so impressive!]


Ye Lingchen continued to type, [You intend to be a swordsman? Congratulations, now you are.]

[Hahaha, not bad, he really is a lowlife, how low, how low...]

Shi Lei was so angry his face flushed crimson, he sat in front of the computer, his hands trembling as he typed, [Aren't you being too uncouth? How could you insult me in public like that! I am a man of culture!]

[Master Shi is right!]

[That a person with such low morals could join the entertainment industry is truly a shame to everyone in it!]

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