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You and Levi are together for months now he loves you and tries to make time for you he loves you because your there to comfort him when no one else is, yk he's very lonely but you comfort him a lot.. he loves you and he would do anything for you and he wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Anyways time skip he's been busy with Titans and he's been stressed about it, he hasn't slept at all you thought it would be nice to make help him so he could sleep longer he's been sleeping at 4am recently and Levi on the other hand wanted you to sleep with a CLEAN ROOM. Yk he hated you sleeping in a room that was messy so he cleaned it for you and he even wrote you a note saying "hey y/n I cleaned your room so you could sleep better.. I hope you sleep well I sound dumb right now but I actually care about you very much.. I want you to meet me at the place we always go, I'll see you there y/n I love you! Please stay safe for me I need you with me." Once you finished his paper work and cleaned up a little cause you left pens all over the place. You got up and went back to your room and you smiled your room was so clean.. you went to your desk and you saw the note he even put a rose.. the petals were red so beautiful.. he put the time on there too you got ready you had on a red, it was tight on your hips so you were ⌛️. Well it was time for you to leave it was 5:30pm he told you to be there at 6:10pm so you headed out you had swords just in case the titans got to you so you went you and Levi liked going to this big tree you could climb and you could see basically the whole town and the wall, you had backup clothes just in case you had to get ready to fight a Titan. Levi looked at you and told you "don't worry everyone has it covered I wanted to have some alone time with you.." your eyes widen and you tell him "Levi you do this for me?" As yk he doesn't smile much but he smiled at you and grabbed your hand and told you "you're the only one I have and I wanna have you forever and i want you to be mine forever." He leaned over and kissed you, then all of a sudden you could feel loud footsteps.. was it a Titan yes it was your eyes widen and you say "how.." you start to undress and Levi covers his eyes and starts trying to change with his eyes closed, he was a gentleman to you he respected you. You then climb off the tree and Levi comes after he tells you "WAIT Y/N I GOT THIS DON'T FIGHT IT I DON'T WANT ANYTHING HAPPENING TO YOU!!"

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