Truth or Dare ~ Part 7

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[Sorry for delayed update, kids back at school and there is so much going on in my personal life, no excuse I know. I love my regular readers and the comments they leave, thank you. You've no idea how much it means to me, been feeling very down about my writing as don't get much feedback at all and it's hard to know if what I'm writing is any good. But anyways I hope you like this new chapter! story is coming to an end :( But I have a new one lined up, and I'll also be updating 'Internal Reflection' soon too. Wanted to say quickly, that I know I'm not very good at writing, my grammar sucks and I sometimes get confused with past and present tense, sorry. Try to ignore that. Much love ;)]

The silence in the car wasn't uncomfortable, Norma welcomed it even, the only sounds being the erratic breathing from them both, Alex rested his head on Norma's chest, the silk and lace of her bra touching his cheek, she smelt incredible. Norma finally regained a little composure and sighed contentedly whilst she traced little shapes on Alex's back, she was and had been overcome with so many emotions and sensations she struggled to form words let alone sentences to him, until finally she managed to get the words out she wanted, although she wasn't even sure what she was supposed to say after something like that, 'Wow', 'that was fantastic', 'My god Alex', 'Can we do that again?', 'Fuck that was something else'. Instead she settled for something a little more ladylike

'Oh God Alex, that, it was amazing...I suppose you are good with your tongue' she teased back, earning a little chuckle from Alex.

The silence descended on them again until Alex broke it,


Norma's body was so relaxed, the SUV was hot and the windows were steamed up making her feel a little drowsy, she could quite happily fall asleep in this position, Alex on top of her, providing her extra warmth, love and security, this was the most at peace she had been in a very long time, she felt that if she were to die right now she would die happy. This feeling, this overwhelming, indescribable feeling that engulfed her was addictive, she never wanted to let it go. She never wanted to let Alex go.

'Hmm' Norma replied back sleepily.

'Are you okay?

Norma's eyes widened, she was worried that she had come across that she wasn't okay, Alex was always so tentative in making sure she was alright, especially when it came to being stressed about Noman, he encouraged her to eat even if she wasn't hungry or he gave her lots of coffee and tea full of sugar to keep her going, he was always caring for her, in a what she thought was a friendly way, now she knew better, he was in love with her, all the little things he did for her, flowers to make her smile, fixing up the house, repairing things she was yet to do, how could she not have noticed his love sooner, they had wasted so much time. She felt sad at all the times that she could have made a move but let her anxiety and fear control her.

'Yes, yes of course I am, I promise Alex. I'm more than okay, are you okay?'

Alex couldn't contain the massive grin that spread across his face,

'Norma you've no idea how happy I am, I dreamt about doing this to you for a long time'

Norma's cheeks blushed, 'Oh Sheriff'

Alex shifted his weight off her and grabbed her shirt off the floor as Norma straightened herself and smoothed down her tousled hair and ruffled dress which was hitched up around her waist, there was a little awkward silence as Norma dressed, Alex averted his eyes making Norma laugh,

'Really Alex? After the performance you just gave, you are embarrassed to look at me. You can look, I want you too. I know you want to.' And she darted her eyes to the bulge in his jeans giving him a little wink.

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