Percy's pov

I let them have this one. When Annabeth gets aggressive, you don't argue. But if these people don't want to listen, then let them die in the woods. The only one that would really have a slight chance of survival is Roden(?), that is of course if they had celestial bronze, which I highly doubt. And I have no idea how Piper can remember their names already.

As we turned to leave, I heard a rushed muttering behind us. Then, our least favorite spice flavoring spoke in a sudden outburst saying, "Fine. We'll obey your wishes. Take us to this camp of yours and we will do as you ask, on the conditions that we all stay together at all times and we can keep our weapons. Do we have a deal?"
"Of course. Why don't you get your horse and anything you may have dropped and follow us," Reluctantly, they nodded and followed.

As they waited for the other to get his horse, I needed something to keep my mind on and fill the silence. So I started up a conservation. "So why doesn't everyone day their name and what kind of things do guys like to do?"
"Tobias, and I like to spend time with these guys and also I study as the royal physician. You'd be surprised at how often the king gets injured,"
"True that! Roden. I like to practice swordplay in my spare time. I practiced my forms, train the other guards and do some dueling, too. Sometimes I'll oversee repairs around the kingdom, or leave on expeditions with the king,"
"Mott. And I'm sceptical about anyone else saying anything. I'm sorry, but we don't know if we can trust you yet,"
"THANK YOU, Mott! Finally someone with reason,"
"Fink, and I'm sorry Jaron fo-" And around here is when things started going fully downhill.
"What did you call me?"
"Don't even finish that sentence, Fink. So will you do us all a favor and-" Again, thank the gods for Piper.
"Wow, okay, Sage, please calm down. I'm sure it was just an accident. We don't need any fighting breaking out. That can wait for the morning. Percy, will you show Sage to the stables? Annabeth, would you show the others to the cabin? I'll go get Chiron, and we'll all go from there. Sound good? Great, now split,"

Sage and I walked on in silence, the only disturbance the sounds of their treading on the grass, and the clop of hooves.  In all honesty, I didn't want anything to be said, for anyone within a five yard radius could feel his anger. We got his horse stabled, but something about him was different when we entered the stables. Could he see through the mist? No. No that's... impossible, I thought. But Rachel can see through it, so just maybe? I pushed the idea away and lead him to where the others were waiting.

While the Hermes kids got them set up, I went to get a breather.

Next chapter will be another in Percy's pov. Those of you still reading, thank you so much for bearing with me this far. Apologies for the bad writing, this is my first fanfic. Please let me know what you think in the comments! And if you have any ideas, I will more than gladly accept them.

(Not actually expecting anything, but it would be nice)

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