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Alyssa woke up as she always did in her home in busy city of Celedon. "Welp absol lets go check the flowers in the gym" she said with a smile. She works faithfully as the celedon city gym gardener, sure everyone there are grass type pokemon experts including erika but alyssa is unique and only a few people know. She can use the ghost type shadow ball attack, shes been able to do this since she was 5. Dressed in her trade mark black crop top stopping just above her belly button and black jeans with black boots. She brushes her short black hair checking to make sure her red highlights arent fading. "Need to re-dye them soon." Absol nods in agreement her red highlights are on her bangs fading up into her jet black hair but the red color is indeed dimming. She grabs her pokeball holding her only other pokemon aggron. Having grown up in the hoen region these were her only two pokemon before moving to kanto hearing if a woman that can use psychic power. She walks into the gym getting "hi's" and "hellos" from several of the trainers there. "Good morning alyssa." Erika smiles "hello Erika!" Alyssa replies happily. "I was just about to check the poke-garden" Erika nods motioning for her to walk with her. "Any new developments?" Alyssa shakes her head. "I haven't tried. Im afraid to. I know sabrina says i shouldn't be but...." Erika raises a hand for alyssa to quiet. "I understand and im sure sabrina does too. This is different for you. I know working here pays your bills and provides a peaceful environment. Sabrina expected this as well which is why she has a plan." Alyssa cocks her head confused as absol sniffs a bellosom's flower and sneezes making the grass pokemon giggle. "She wants to gauge what type of fighter you are. Special of physical. Since you can only use shadow ball there is a key way to do this. Use your shadow ball on her and she can use her psychic to gaige just how strong it was. Then punch her for the same effect." Alyssa was nervous but if it ment she learned more about herself then by all means. She nodded shakily. "Dont worry. We have asked 2 ghost type specialists to attend in case of an emergency." This made her feel way better. "When?" "After work today. Outside the gym. Its the only time everyone is free." Alyssa nods and speed walks off hyperventilating her brain already imagining countless worst case senerios. "Jasmine. Get the new arrival. She may need it sooner than we thought." Erika instructed as she hurries off. Alyssa breaks into a sprint trying to physically run from her problems until she ends up in the outer garden where she huddles and begins to cry. "Why am i different. Why me?!" She sobbs. At that moment a small phantump begins waddling up to her. "Why are you crying?" It asked. She blinked. "How...." The phantump smiles. "I can sense your spirit energy all ghosts have them. Im sending a message using our spirit energy as a bridge." She doesn't understand "but im human im not a ghost." The phantump crawls in her lap. "True. I can sense that but your emitting a spirit energy like a ghost. So why were you crying?" The small ghost grass pokemon asked. "Because....im different. Everyone i talk to i become a burden too." Phantump shakes its head. "Not true. I was sent here because my trainer was to overloaded to raise me. She was smart and kind. Before i left she told me "if you remember anything remember this phantump: your the way you are for a reason. Your a phantump for a purpose. Don't let anyone shame you for being different." Alyssa smiles a bit. "Sounds like a smart lady." Phantump nods. "You have this energy for a reason. I don't know what it is. But i know there's a reason." Alyssa nods. "Told you it would work out. Ghost pokemon know far more than any one human does." Says an old woman. "Your alyssa? My name is agatha. Im a former member of the elite four. Sadly age prevents me from battling like i used to but i can provide knowladge." Alyssa stands nodding. "Marty is late Erika." Erkia sighs. "Hes a johto gym leader. It takes longer for him to get here agatha." The older woman grumbles mildly annoyed. "You havent been practicing alyssa." Sabrina the psychic gym leader of saffron "fear is logical but a hindrance. Which is why this....test will help. Its still early and from what i hear marty cant close his gym early due to some promised battles." Agatha nods and approaches alyssa. "Lets discuss your shadow ball. What dies it look like?" Alyssa was confused. "No two shadow balls are the same. A ghost type expert can tell a great deal by the look of it. Since marty hands out the tm for it he'd be the optimal person to look at it." Erika steps in. "Lets let alyssa work for a bit. A lot if the pokemon have come to rely on alyssa for certain needs. Alyssa. Ivysaur and venasaur need pruning and the seedot need watering. Take phantump with you, its good company." Alyssa nods and immediatly leaves to work taking the elevator down to the subterranean garden. "Venasaur, ivysaur! Pruning day!" Alyssa calls out. Moments later the two pokemon march forward. Venasaur gently lifts the tall girl onto its back grabbing the tool case from the wall behind the thick brush knowing alyssa has a hard time getting back there. "Thanks V." She remarks as she starts trimming the leaves and damaged petals from its gym battles with more expirienced gym challengers. 🎵"Im on the road to viridian city"🎵 she sings as she works. Her voice echoing loudly in the garden. By the time she finishes the song she has completely finished the task. "There. Much better am i right?" She smiles at her job well done as the pokemon agree. She turns around to find Erika with a moderately serious look on her face. "Alyssa. It's time. Marty is here."

pokemon: Chronicles of the Ghost girlWhere stories live. Discover now