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Alyssa follows Erika outside from the. Underground garden. Marty and the others are waiting. "Alyssa i assume?" She nods. "Ok. I want to see your shadow ball but i also have some curiosities" Erika is confused. "Like what?" "Can she use other type moves or exclusively ghost type." The phantump looks at him as if speaking to him. "I see. Never mind. According to phantump your spirit energy us only ghost type." Alyssa nods and places her hands in front of her like she's holding a ball near her chest. A sky blue ball with a deep purple outline like a koffings skin color. The sky blue swirls like a wirlpool the purple cackling like a flame. "I see." Marty says staring at the ghostly ball. "This ball is unique to you. It tells pokemon, usually ghost or psychic, what kind of person you are. Now im curious. Gengar come out." He tosses a ball and the ghost comes out with a smile. "Demonstrate shadow punch." The small specter obeys. "Can you mimic that alyssa?" Alyssa is in shock "w-wait what?" Marty smiles "my belief...no my theory is if a ghost pokemon shows you....you can do so much more." Alyssa shrugs. "Worth a shot i guess." Gengar looks at her. "Before you can learn shadow punch you need to learn how to vanish like we do." Alyssa just stares. "I need to what now?"  Gengar laughs. "You need to learn how to vanish. We basically use our spirit energy to become invisible. Close your eyes. Focus on your spirit energy. I know you feel everyone watching, unnerving isn't it. Focus on hiding from their sight. Hiding from that unnerving feeling." Erika looks at Alyssa then Marty. "Paitence. Gengare is teaching her basic ghost type necessity im sure." Alyssa shudders feeling the gaze of so many. She never realized just how unnerving it was till now. Gengar was right she wanted to hide. Was this why ghost pokemon are so hard to see in the day time? She wasnt sure she just wanted to disappear. "WHAT THE WHAT?!" Tiffany, alyssa's shift relief was walking up. "Where did alyssa go?!" Erika sighs. "I foorrrgoot to warn her....shoot." The kind woman walks over alyssa looks at everyone kind of just glancing around. As if knowing marty speaks. "No we're not acting we literally cannot see you alyssa." Gengar puts a stubby finger of his mouth as if saying to be silent before motioning for her to follow. She takes a step and is suprised when her foot makes no sound. "While invisible its like the world ignores you." Gengar explains softly before pointing to Tiffany. "For shadow punch you would just deck her. But it will be funny to scare her." Alyssa couldn't help but agree. She walks up behind tiffany and reappears with instructions from gengar. "Boo." Tiffany jumps like she's used the bounce move. "SON OF A BISHARP NUTSACK!" Alyssa and gengar hit the ground laughing uncontrollably while marty and agatha shake their heads smiling. Erika stiffles a giggle. "Thats was NOT ok!" Marty smiles. "Thats actually how ghost pokemon practice. The scare people for fun" alyssa is aware shes gonna need to change her clothes now that shes laughed so hard. Good thing she likes dark colors. After finally calming down she looks at marty for what to fo next. "Best i can advise is to travel. Staying here can only do so much, but if you want answers your gonna have to hunt them down." Alyssa sighs. Erika smiles. "I knew this was coming. I know if you stay here you wont stop wondering about who you are and why you can do these things. Go and find the truth." Alyssa nods as heads home. She packs a bag checking for potions and her aggron, absol has been following her the entire time she's come use to that. "Dont worry, your not going in a pokeball absol i made a promise and im gonna keep it." She walks out leaving the key under the mat for the landlord. "Where too first.....thats the quesss....never mind i know exactly where to go first. Home." She dials her mother on her pokegear. "Hey mom.....im coming home. Its time i learned more about who i am."  Her mother laughsm "ok but remember i moved to sinnoh a while after you left. Works kind of busy and spiritomb and milotic have missed you. Plus i have a suprise for you when you get here." Alyssa nods even though her mother can't see it "see you soon. Mom." She hangs up and waves good bye to her friends. Its been a long time since she's seen her mother. In sinnoh the tall woman smiles. "Garchomp. Tell the others to get ready. And find riolu. My baby is coming home" the dragon lumbers of to do as his trainer asked. As she looks at a picture of her on maturnity leave with her daughter. "Its time i told her why we lived in hoenn and not sinnoh."

pokemon: Chronicles of the Ghost girlWhere stories live. Discover now