Stupid Hijinks

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Picture not mine UwU

Hi enjoy this pile of trash chapter.  I no longer have a plot until the end of third year, so now its just gonna be stupid shenanigans and hijinks that my brain comes up with.

This all takes place up until the last few days of third year, so the timeline is all over the place.

The chapter contains manga spoilers in the 4th hijink, its not really minor, but has nothing to do with the most recent chapters.  It has to do with a previous chapter, but I can't remember which though.  

Manga spoilers in next paragraph.





I forgot to mention last chapter that in the manga, Himiko's name was revealed to not actually be Himiko.  I chose Kasuru, which is not canon, bc it means to change into, which fits her quirk.

Enjoy whatever the fvck this is.


stupid hijinks #1- 3rd Year Hero Names~

"Okay, now is your chance to change your hero names!" Midnight exclaimed.

"Invisible Heroine: Transparency!" Toru presented.

"I like it!"

"Temperature Hero: Katy Perry." Shoto said.

"What in the- no, you can not use that Todoroki."

"Cremation Hero: Dabiiiiiiiii."

"Wtf, no."

"Shifting Heroine: Blood Hoe!"

"No Toga."

"Spacial Hero: Void Delirium."  Deku showed.


"Temperature Hero: Hot N Cold."

"No Todoroki."

"Explosion Hero: Ground Zero!"

"Good one for once!"

"Transform Heroine: Succ succ succ!"


"Hellfire Hero: Cremate."

"That's more like it!"

"Temperature Hero: Polar Blaze."

"Better, but no."

"Morphing Heroine: Shifter!"

"I like it!"

" Temperature Hero: FrostBurn."

"I like it!"

"✨Sparkling Hero: Laserbeam!✨" Yuga presented.

"How did you even say- never mind, its good."

"Controlling Hero: Will-0." Hitoshi said.



Stupid hijinks #2- Group chat chaos

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