The Deal

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I woke up inside a small room with my entire body aching. I quickly went through my memories and quietly groaned when I realized that I had been kidnapped, Again! I sat up, my entire body in agony, and examined the room I was put in. The room was bare except for the bed, the door, and a small table. With nothing interesting to do in the room, I decided to explore. Ignoring the pain I was in I stood up and walked to the door figuring, I technically shouldn't be moving yet so the door could be unlocked and they don't need to know how hurt I was. I was right, the door was open so I started wandering the halls. I was passing a room with voices behind the door when I paused wondering what was going on. I slid the door open slightly to see Zabuza talking to Gato. It was honestly hilarious watching the short man trying to intimidate Zabuza. I held my laughter in until just after Gato left, when it burst out of me, startling both Haku and Zabuza, causing them to whirl towards me at an incredible rate.

They seemed incredulous that I was even up, let alone moving. They quickly got over it though as Zabuza growled,"What are you doing here?" I answered his question with a bit of sarcasm, "Wow, and here I thought that you guys were the ones to kidnap me." Zabuza's response was a quickly ground out, "What are you doing moving?" "Ummmm, exploring." "Haku! Take the kid back to her room and make sure that she stays there!" "That's not gonna work out to well, I don't do sitting still very well." And my body is almost back to top condition again, I added in my head. "GOOO!!!!!"

I was put in to my room an hour ago. I spent the first fifteen minutes pacing before finally doing a headstand facing the wall that I think faces the outside. I made sure I had my balance and I spent the next 45 minutes trying to move the wall with my mind. I was so focused that I didn't even notice the door opening and Haku coming in until he stepped directly into my line of vision. With my concentration suddenly disrupted I came back to reality with a start falling flat on my back. Haku chuckled at me before going all serious and saying about how Zabuza wants to see me, now. I gave him a big smile and let loose and even bigger yawn before using my sweetest voice and asking, " hey mister, will you give me a piggyback ride?" While rubbing my eye. I was still kinda tired. Haku gave me a suspicious look and I returned it with puppy dog eyes. He finally gave in, nodding slowly. Before he could even turn around, I jumped up and did a flip, landing gently on his back. He looked over his shoulder, staring at me, started. I grinned at him. He adjusted me on his back and set off down the halls towards what I am assuming is Zabuza's room. While he was walking I made myself a little more comfortable, laying my head down on his back.

When we got to Zabuza's room Haku was a bit more comfortable around me. He placed me down before grabbing my hand, opening the door and pulling me in to the room. Zabuza looked like he had been thinking but as soon as the door opened he snapped his glare towards me, but I never let my smile drop. Haku left my side to go and stand by Zabuza. I tapped my fingers against my side waiting for someone to speak, but even when they did my fingers kept going. Zabuza spoke first, " Now, what am I going to do with you kid?" I kept my reply to his rhetorical question simple," Best idea would be to feed me!!" just as my stomach let out a huge roar. They both sweatdropped at me before Zabuza sighed and ordered Haku to grab me some food. As soon as Haku left Zabuza turned back to me. He stared at me for a few minutes until I couldn't stand the diet and asked the first thing that came to my mind. "Hey, what happened to that sword?" The only response I got was an its elsewhere. Once again we had a staring match, but this time he broke it. He suddenly said, "I'll make a deal with ya, kid." "What type of deal?"

"You join us, we don't kill you."

"Do I get my sword my weapon pouch and backpack back?"

"You mean the empty ones?"


"Ya why not."

"How bout the sword?"

"Somebody needs to teach you how to use it?"

"Hey!! I think I did pretty well..."


"What?!! It was my first time using a sword!"

"It was your first time with a sword and you chose that one?"

"Sure... Lets go with that."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Anyway, back on track, that deal I have a condition."

"What's that?"

"You have to let my team live."


"Cause if you don't, I will never forgive you."

"What's so bad about that?"

"I may be seven,"*right now*,"but that doesn't mean I don't know powerful people."

*scoff*"like who?"

"You'll figure it out eventually."

"Whatever, deal?"


Zabuza chuckled,"I thought you would be harder to convince."

I was saved from answering him when Haku walked through the door with food. I took one look at him and cheered, "FOOOOOOODDD!!

Discontinued- the invisible girl no longer( Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now