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I woke up with my shoulder in agony. I groaned in annoyance from the pain. Apparently my groan alerted the others that I was awake because the next thing I heard was feet running up the stairs. I had just managed to sit up when my door flew open and I was glomped back into a laying position. I couldn't even see who was on me but I just barely managed to croak out, "Can't...... Breath...... Death...... Help!!!"

The person hugging me was pulled back so I took the opportunity to get air back into my lungs. As I was catching my breath I heard, "Naruto you BAKA!!!" And assumed that it was Naruto who was crushing me. I sat back up again and managed to look around the room quickly as Sakura attempted to get me to lay back down. I noticed that everyone was there and staring at me. Kakashi and Zabuza were leaning on the door frame, Tazuna and his family were in the middle of the room, Sakura was trying(and failing) to get me to lay down, Naruto was on the ground nursing the bump on his head, Sasuke was leaning on the wall near me and Haku was sitting next to my bed looking relieved.

So after scoldings, tears, hugs, and food I was told that the bridge would be done in a few days and that I wasn't allowed to move til then. Everyone left the room looking relieved. It was like they all thought that something bad was going to happen.

Haku PoV

I left Kiara's room extremely relieved. I had been worrying about her constantly since we found her unconscious near the bridge. There is just something about that girl that makes me want to be sure that nothing hurts her and judging by the looks on everyone else's faces they could feel it, too.

***Time skip to when they leave***

Kiara PoV

I was glad to finally be allowed out of the house. Boredom had giving me a slow and painful death. We were leaving so everyone was standing at the end of the bridge to say good-bye to us. While Naruto and Inari were trying to see who would cry first, I was arguing about whether or not someone should carry me back to Konoha. You see thanks to Horoku my shoulder was already healed but nobody else knew that because I am awesome at acting and made it seem like it was still injured. This way I didn't have to explain my rapid healing abilities. Since they thought I was still injured everyone who was leaving with me didn't want me to overdo it. Finally sick of arguing I came up with a compromise that allowed me to do things but also gave them the opportunity to stop me from 'going to far'.

I got fed up with everyone limiting me and finally brought an end to it, "Gahhh! Shut up! This is how it's going to work and nobody else gets a say in the matter! Got It??!!!" Everyone quickly shut up and nodded from the authority and confidence in my voice, yes even the adults who weren't supposed to be scared of anything didn't want to mess with me. " Good. Now, here's how it's going to go. I'm gonna start going, you guys follow whenever you want to. K, now if you want me to be carried then you're gonna have to catch me. I'm not gonna make it easy for you but if someone can catch me before nightfall then they can decide what I can and can't do while I'm injured. No objecting, see ya at night fall."

I sprinted off before they could protest. Once I was out of their sight and hearing range I shot up quickly into the sky and glided behind them, amusing myself by watching them attempt to find me and seeing them pounce on anything that moved. At nightfall I flew ahead of them and made sure nobody was looking as I came back down to the ground. I walked back to their camp, and let me just say that they made it an amusing night.

The trip to Konoha continued like that, me flying over them during the day and watching my team get closer to Zabuza and Haku while at night everyone had fun, freaked out over me, and we all grew together, at least in my mind. Everyone else refused to think that they were getting more comfortable with the people around them.

I would know, I checked.

Discontinued- the invisible girl no longer( Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now