Chapter 2

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Upon reaching the meeting place, we were briefed again and will participate in a very tough sport in the forest.

It seems that everyone is discussing and soon the teacher will divide the group either in groups with his own school or another school.

I was in a group with a class A named Bella, Lim and 2 others from another school named Nana and Tasha. We get to know each other and will work together to complete the task.

At 12 noon, we heard motivation by two men named Brother Boi and Brother Zack. They often give guidance to the participants who participate in the motivational camp.

We were told to find firewood and clear the forest area. After 2 hours of looking for wood, I was relieved not to get lost like my brother who joined the scout camp in 2005. We have completed the assignment given by the chief.

"This food can is very tight, can I borrow anyone's spoon to open the lid of this food?" Rani said to us.

From then on I learned about simple machines.

Then I replied "Oh, a spoon is used as a lever to open the lid of the food can". It's easy for Layla to split a wooden stick using an ax. The wedge on the ax simplifies our work.

By 11pm, we had finished our work so it was time for us to go to sleep.

That night, I was deep in thought seeing the stars adorning the sky and flickering with the cold air at that moment. Lim asked "Did you not sleep with Roni?" I answered and smiled "Hm, I'm thinking for the day after tomorrow"

"Why are you thinking for tomorrow, it will be too late"

"Late you said? The challenge for tomorrow is a bit challenging, I hope it goes well" I said to Lim.

Lim replied again "Of course but you have to relax the day after tomorrow because every challenge you have to go through calmly, be patient one day you will definitely be happy to" Lim's words I keep in my heart.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, I went to the bathroom for a while and found something like looking at me and I was not surprised at that time and went back to the tent.

This month, the constellation will appear in the sky. This is one of the most prominent constellations in the night sky. I will wait until the next day and maybe more games to be.

The next day, it was time to get stronger. I woke up at exactly 4 am and would be better prepared, today I should work with my group.

At 7am, we had toast and strawberry tea. After breakfast we will undergo the first activity which is a challenge through the water, the game is like having to walk through the water.

After finishing all the games, we must be more prepared and the last game tonight is the path according to the line that has been installed by the camp manager.

This challenge is very challenging because we have to remember the numbers given from start to finish. If you do not remember the number given then you can not go out of the forest and must be scolded by the chief.

Our group will move first, so we will work hard. Roni looks scared and Nana tries to calm him down "Don't be afraid, the moon is here." Roni replied "Why with the moon?" Then Nana replied again "Looks like, when we walk, the moon will always follow us as if he is taking care of us". Nana said to roni, roni became satisfied that day then.

While walking they found something strange and they thought positive things and started to calm down. After that there is a wooden board that shows the direction of the arrow there and they have crossed the line, Brother Boi once said "Do not cross the line because there is a dangerous place there". They do not realize that the place will lead them astray.

Upon arrival they began to feel tired as if walking 50 kilometers.

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