Chapter 3

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After they get lost in the forest, Nana starts to get thirsty and asks Bella for some water and Bella has given her water to Nana.

"Give me a little water, okay?" Then Bella replied "Um, okay".

While the four of them were walking and came across a place where the people there said the place was very mysterious and the four of them entered the place. Various challenges as well as obstacles they must make in the place. So, together they solved the challenge until the end of time.

The four of them enter the first door and the first challenge comes out, nana and bella trt look for clues for the challenge, Roni and Tasha try to find the answer suddenly Roni finds something on the wall there Roni looks like Arabic writing and tries to read it and the writing is written Arabic writing. But above them nothing happened and Tasha lit a lamp on top and wrote something that is a constellation of constellations.

"4 constellations you used to learn in primary school" then Roni said (pari) Tasha said (scorpio) Nana said (Biduk) and Bella same said (Belantik). Roni still remembers Lim's words. We must always be careful.

And there was a sharp spear when one of the four of them mispronounced these constellations in English. Then it fell into the spear. All answered correctly except Roni and the three of us were pushed out with only Roni inside. The floor became slanted and Roni began to fall, Nana without thinking long ran after Roni and pulled her hand at that time, Nana almost fell so Bella and Tasha also came to pull Roni together .... Roni also survived.

After the four of them came out of the first door, there was a hut that looked like the four of us could rest, just opened the shoes suddenly Bella told him to stop and Tasha wondered why he was talking?

"I think this is our 2nd challenge. Suddenly a statue appeared and said to Nana," You must have lost! I want to see you disappear from this world ".

After that, Nana said "I can not lose" and Roni said again "Nana why talk to the statue" 😟 Nana said this statue spoke to me. Bella said don't bother, Nana, you're tired Nana and Nana also said OK. After staring at the hut, Tasha said in the newspaper that a hut was told that no one had ever managed to answer her question and Bella asked him about the ape and Tasha said something we did not know but was around us.

Tasha thought something in her head that was written (no answer) and Nana thought the answer was bacteria, Roni also began to answer the air, Bella answered the air also Nana answered the bacteria and Tasha answered no answer.
And the hut began to shake the minds of the four of them thinking like the answer was all wrong but something like a statue came out and Nana shouted "YOU AGAIN!" and the statue also spoke one of you answered correctly ........

The person who answered correctly was TASHA and this time the four of them passed the second door to the third door, Roni said "what is the challenge this time and the third challenge remains the same puzzle but with a different language". Nana also meditated for a long time and looked like a normal language only she reversed the letters. And it seems as written (INTERSECTION) and then the four of them were shocked and something happened .....

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