Mascara ruined

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Chelsea's POV:

I was wakened by someone banging on the front door, I stood up, realizing that I wasn't at home. I reversed to where I had been lying to see Dalton asleep. "Dalton, wake up someone is at the door." I shook him, causing him to wake.

"What?" He asked in a sleepy voice.

"Someone is banging on the door." I informed him

He walked to the door, I followed, stopping at the entrance to the hallway. He opened the door, reviling my sister. I jumped back so she wouldn't see me, "Tell Chelsea to text me when she is ready to come home, k?" She told him

Wait, how did she know I was here? "Um, She isn't here." Dalton said to her

"Look, kid, don't lie to me, I am not as stupid as I look. I know she is here, I saw you and her at the fair and if it wasn't for me, you guy would have been caught by our parents, so be a good boy and tell her." She said turning to leave, "Be safe, and use protection, ok?"

"Ok." Dalton responded shutting the door

He walked back to the living room with a grin on his face, "I guess you heard what she said?" He asked, I nodded leaning against the wall

He placed his hands on my hip, pulling me close, our eyes locked and after a few minutes of silence, so did our lips. That same spark was there, I wonder if he felt it. I wonder if he loved me, or just plain out liked me.  We stopped, out of breath, "We have to stop this Chelsea, we can't be more than friends." He informed me

I just stood there, it felt like I had been hit by a train, broken into a billion pieces, dead. "I,... Wha.... We..." is all I could get out

"I'm sorry, " he spoke

I pushed his lingering hands off of me, I went to the couch grabbing my phone. He stood blocking the entrance to the hallway, "Why....." is all I could come to say

I pushed past him, grabbing my bag on the way out, slamming the door behind me. I walked down the sidewalk, towards the fairgrounds. I Stoped, sliding down the side of the fence, which lined the outside of the fairgrounds. I cried, that's all I could do, I was led on by him and he just basically killed me. I took my phone out to texted Angel:

To Sis: "I need u to pick me up."

From Sis: "Ok, be at Dalton in 2"

The thought of Dalton just made me cry more.

To Sis: "I'm not at his house, I am outside the fairgrounds."

From Sis: "? On my way"

It took her about 3 minutes to get there. "Oh my gosh, what happened?" She asked, helping  me up and into the car

"H... He.... He.. Led me on...." I cried out, while she drove.

She reached over console and rubbed my leg,"I know I am a terrible sister, but I am going to help you through this, ok?" She continued,"I am not going to sit here and tell you to get over it like mom and dad. I am going to help you through it, like the good sister I can be. Just keep your head up, and will get through this together because one day you will find someone who knows not the mess up your mascara but your lipstick, don't worry. I love you sis." She said, pulling into the driveway.

He was waiting at the door, "You ready, I know you got this." She said," will walk right past him and slam the door." I nodded

We got out of the car, I followed her to the door trying not to cry, "Chelsea, I am sorry

Can we talk?" He said

I stood in my doorway staring at him, shaking my head in frustration. He got his answer when I slammed the door in his face.

"Come on girl, lets go party to some One Direction, get drunk on their terrible music and tweet about how much we hate boys." Angel said making me laugh

"Their music isn't terrible, its amazing." I informed her

"Yeah, whatever lets go." She said

We ran up stairs to my room and got drunk on the music ,while tweeting about how much we hated boys who ruin girls mascara.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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