9 One Hundred Mice in Wheels

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Umbra of note

Maraziel and her human ally Sebastian Stanton

Jenny Moonshine (Jenny M) and her human ally First Lord Pitt (the Younger)

'Twoshrews has agreed to attend us here upon your business, Minister.' Isabella was all formality when Stanton returned home. She had set out the parlour with ink and quill at the desk, so Stanton could record the interview.

'He will answer five questions, or he will give five answers to your first question. I'm not truly sure where that discussion ended. He is brimming with tales of misbegotten liaisons, forbidden trysts, licentiousness of every hue that will doubtless be essential in the forth-coming wars with France.'

'You must take it more seriously, Izzy,' said Stanton. 'And, if Twoshrews tells us aught that I determine is of significance, you must swear that it will not be repeated outside this parlour.'

'If Twoshrews tells you anything that you can make sense of, or that doesn't portray love-gorged Umbra under bed-linen we will all be much astonished.' Isabella pointed to the quill, 'Pray write down your questions.'

Stanton had mentally composed one hundred such questions during the day and remembering those of most significance now was a task beyond him. Still, he reasoned, given his absence of surety about almost any aspect of 'Umbra Affairs', anything he discovered would be useful.

'I've told Twoshrews that you are a personage of much import in the lordly dealings of our realm,' said Isabella as he scribbled. 'It transpires he had always assumed you were a servant...' she coughed, 'assigned to deal with my more personal needs.'

Stanton determined he did not possess any expression pertinent to such a statement, so declined to satisfy Isabella's obvious desire to catch his eye. Twoshrews swished out his cape, sat on the table edge and gave Stanton a preternatural level of attention.

'Question One, Twoshrews' Stanton said, 'How are affairs organised in The Other Realm?'

Twoshrews heard and understood the question without any involvement from Isabella. He had the appearance of a slim handsome youth with an uncombed straggle of auburn hair. His high-collared rune-embroidered cape hung long over a plain white shirt, dark breeches and boots. He stood again, adopted a pompously serious pout and paced a little before proceeding to gush forth an answer.

Isabella smiled her delight as it unfolded, before relaying it on to Stanton. 'Everyone knows there are fourteen different versions of England with twelve of these in the Umbra Realm. Each is a distinct and separate world organised around a unique dance. These Englands are powered by one hundred racing mice in wheels that generate sunlight, moontide, wind, rock-fire and earthdark.'

'What in heaven's name is earthdark?'

'Do you really wish me to waste a question on that, Sebastian?'

But it was too late; Twoshrews paced the table to the limits imposed by Isabella's aura, and offered some extravagantly wiggle-some hand movements. Isabella interpreted with a growing expression of surprise: 'Earthdark is the goodness that is found below the land and in wood-litter that plants and trees hunt down to feed on. No Umbra has ever seen it but how else would they grow, and why else would they send down roots if not to search it out.

'I never knew,' she added her own thought with a suppressed twinkle. 'Oh, and Twoshrews is surprised anyone who claims to be of import, hasn't heard of it.'

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