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I woke up with my eyes sore and cheeks red. I had dreamt about her being here and hugging me, comforting me, helping me with my fears. I sighed and decided to continue on with my day. I was still going to highschool so I had a quick shower, after which I picked out rainbow leggins, black jean shorts, short black socks and both a T-shirt and a hoodie from her merch. A lot of people thought I was weird for still watching a youtuber play games for little kids and wear their merch. I didn't really care. I walked over to the kitchen and greeted my samojed Sakura. I patted her on the head and gave her food and water. I was usually too lazy to make mysrlf anytjing special for breakfast but today I felt really productive for some reason. I went over to the fridge and found eggs and bacon. I pulled it out and set it on the counter, getting a pan and pouring some oil onto it. Soon enough, I set the bacon and eggs it and stirred it around with a wooden fork. I was still wondering how my mom had gotten one since I never saw one anywhere. I moved my food to the plate and just as I was about to sig in Sakura nudged my leg. I looked down at her. "What do you want?" I asked. She lifted her nose up to face the clock and I realized. "Freaking god, again!?" I shouted, quickly grabbing a box, some random flavored mineral water and a salad. I threw my breakfast inside the box and put my plate into the sink, I ran to my room, took my phone and powerbank off the charger, placed it into my bag, quickly making it to the door, I put my shoes on, grabbed my keys, locked the door and started running down the stairs. I almost killed myself on the way down. I lived in Prague, Czech Republic, so we thankfully had a subway. I made it just in time and jumped into the cart that was going in the direction of my school. Luckily I found a seat. Sitting down, I pulled my headphones, which I wore around my neck most of the time, on my head and played my happy playlist. I didn't want to hear the same songs as yesterday so I pressed the random order option. It was a 15 minute ride so I had enough time to eat. I pulled out my bacon with eggs and dug in. After about 10 minutes I finished eating and just as I placed the box back into my bag I noticed that the next stop was where I was supposed to get off. I cheered silently in my head, because it wouldn't of been my first time missing my stop. I walked to school and went to my class.


We don't get lunch break so I finally had time to eat. I sat on a random bench close to school and pulled out my salad with sushi. I groaned as I watched Kris walk over to me. I had no idea how we ended up in the same highschool considering we were together in elementary as well. I was wondering how I could of ever liked him since he was incredibly annoying. We were sort of friends I guess but he always flirted with me, not understanding that I clearly didn't want to have anything with him. I was bisexual but after him bothering me for so long he made me despise guys, resulting in me turning all lesbian. I tried to ignore him but of course he headed right up to me.

"Hey Li! How's it going?" he called out.

"It was great before you showed up" I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, what?" he asked, confused.

"Very well, thanks." I replied in a sarcastic tone.

He of course didn't get it and continued to bug me for another 20 minutes. Thank god I actually didn't listen to what he said because I turned my music up to the point that I barely heard him. I finished my food, moved my headphones to my neck and looked at him.

"I have to go now." I told him.

"Oh come on, I'm sure you're just making up excuses again." he replied.

"Well my parents don't pay for everything like yours do." I argued back.

"Don't come at me with that again." he spoke back.

"It is not my fault I am not spoiled rich." With those words I got up from the bench, sticking up two fingers in a V shape waving them while having one of my eyes closed in a wish of goodbye.

He looked irritated but I didn't care. I had to pay the bills somehow. I walked over to the metro station. I had to wait around 5 minutes for the cart to cone but I didn't mind. I was doing something on my phone when a notification popped up. She had replied? I never thought she would so I felt really nervous.

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