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I was staring at my screen for a moment, not believing my eyes. It was real, the notification right before my eyes. I built up the courage and opened the conversation.

——May 13th, 2025——

18:24, Li:
Hi, How are you doing? 
I am surprised at how
well you are managing
all that extra work that
doing youtube includes.

——May 16th,2025——

15:57, RP:
Hello, I am not really
feeling well lately, a
lot of things have been
happening around me
Well after a couple
years I learned how to
include youtube in my
schedule so yeah.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear
that, I hope it gets
better soon.

I hope it will. Thanks.

Anytime. Glad I could
help atleast a little.
Oh no, my metro is here,
I have to head to my
brigade, bye!

Alright, cya I guess?

I entered the wagon and took a seat, trying to realize what just happened. She replied to my texts! I was so happy that I almost missed my stop. I got off and made my way to the shop. Jumping in anticipation I opened the door and went inside, smiling. All of my coworkers including my boss were surprised by my mood since I usually had a fake smile with dull eyes plastered across my face.

I ignored their curious stares, and started my work shift. I worked at a sweets shop, my favorite shop in town.


I took my bag from the back room and headed back to the metro. I got home and checked my email for homework. I got a couple, two assignments for tommorow and three for later this week or next week. In that many things to do I completely overlooked one other email.

I decided to do biology first so I took out my microscope and the things we were supposed to look at and write down.

I was done quite fast and I was surprised by that, since my assignments always took longer than that. After checking the clock I realized that the 'little while' that I thought it took was actually two hours. I was surprised to say at least, but I shook it off because I had more stuff to do. The other assignment was math and as soon as I realized I groaned. Math wasn't my favorite subject nor was I good at it. I looked at the time and realized it was almost 10 pm, which wouldn't of been as bad it I didn't know that math always took me 3-4 hours. I quickly got into and tried my best.

When I was finished it was 1:49 am already so I sent the assignments, took a quick shower, fed Sakura, shouted at Siri to set my alarm and fell into the bed, immediatelly falling asleep.

<MORNING, 5:57 am>

I woke up, did my usual routine and before heading out I had noticed I had a bit of extra time on my hands so I scrolled through my phone. I got a notification for an ad on my email. I opened it to ban that site from sending me any more and while I was in my 'delivered' part of the email I saw one regarding my apartment. 'Weird...' I though, since I never really got any emails other than my monthly bill, but it wasn't time for that yet. I opened it and it read:

'Dear Lochi,
We have some surprising news for you. Somebody from a foreign country sent us an email about wanting an apartment here, and since they wanted a cheaper option and wanted somebody to show them around we picked you, since we know that you are really good with english. They are a woman about your age so we hope you will get along.
Best regards,
yeehawapartments i.n.c.'

Oh! You don't know what they mean by that. Well, my apartment is kind of split in half. There are two bedrooms, two bathrooms but only one living room and kitchen. I don't mind, it means that I have to pay less for the rent because I practically only have half of the space. Nobody wanted to move in because of it and I always though it was better that way.

Well I guess it's time to say bye to that, now that somebody is moving in. I just hope she won't be annoying because I love my quiet and peaceful flow of life. I also didn't need somebody creeping into my room at 3 am, asking why am I not asleep and crying when I am clearly an adult. That would be a pretty awkward situation.

I sighed and decided to write them a reply.

'Dear yeehawapartments.i.n.c.,
Thank you for letting me know, I will be preparing for that. I hope we will get along as well.
Best regards,

With that I looked at the time and realized it was time to go. This time I wasn't late which was great.

My day went on normally. Kris bothered me again, I had lunch, normal stuff. The whole day I was wondering when would my new apartment-mate move in. They didn't give me any date so I had no idea. After thinking about it for the whole day I decided it was finally time to focus on other things, because I didn't focus the whole day and things didn't go their best. Some people were clearly mad with my actions but I just didn't really pay attention so I just blankly said sorry and didn't think about it any more.

The rest of the week went on as normally as it could, considering my mental state. When I say normally it means crying myself to sleep every day, thinking about her... It was a month since they wrote me and the year was coming to an end. Just 2 more weeks until the summer break came. Nothing really happened, I just got promoted in work which made me really happy since I could now afford to treat myself to some little things.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
1000,this is my record on words, the chapters are getting longer. I think that 1000 words is enough for a chapter. Well I don't want to rush the story, I just don't know what to put there... Leave me some ideas!

I also have another story on mind which I think that I will like better. This is just something even I don't know why I made it.

You know those random inspirational moments? Well I had that and that's why this thing was even made.

Well hope you enjoyed ^^

PS. If you are reading this, yes you know who you are, h I.


{Miss Perfect} RPRealPlay x JusticeLochiWhere stories live. Discover now