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Hey bubbleteas! You have been waiting for this and I want to thank you so much! Let's continue! ♥♥️♥️

He rubbed his sneakers on the rough surface, wearing them out than they already were. He scowled at the thought that was currently replaying in his head. He slurped the last drop of the banana milk his junior gifted him. He realized that he was holding the small box in his hand a little too hard resulting in the small box to crumble who wasn't even at fault.

He sighed, chewing the straw unconsciously while recalling the phone call he just had with his mother. When he no longer could take out his anger on the petite straw, he aimed it in the trash bin that was a few meters away from him.

Unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side today. The crumbled carton bumped on the bin, falling to the ground, lifeless, only adding to his annoyance.

He clicked his tongue, ruffling his chocolate brown hair, leaning on the wall behind him that was covered in dull spray paintings and cruel scratches. The paint was chipped off from places. Abstract art and words were sprayed on it.

He took a deep breath of the fresh air that was gladly provided by the healthy, big, green trees that stood tall and guarded the place. He lifted his head towards the dark, never ending sky that was magnificently decorated with tiny, twinkling stars. The moon shone proudly trying to light up the dark, cruel world below it.

Finally sorting his thoughts out, he decided to leave the lonely yet comforting play ground. As he straightened himself and brushed the dust at the back of his old, faded jacket, an awfully, unpleasant smell invaded his nostrils. He scrunched his nose and turned his head towards the source of it.

He spotted a man, not very far from him, exhaling puffs of grey smoke. The end of the worn out cigarette in his hand was glowly fiercely, a bright orange.

He scanned the stranger's face. He didn't look very old or young than him. Infact, he looked like he was the same age. He had a soft and cute appearance despite a cigarette losely hanging from his mouth. His eyes were barely open and his dirty blonde hair, dishevelled and covering his forehead. The street lights weakly shone on him, some blinking, ready to fade away any minute.

The stranger was a pale, his skin flawless. He was slightly shorter. The brunette also noticed that he wore black clothing from head to toe that blended in the night. And he was utterly handsome.

The stranger suddenly whipped his head towards the brunette's direction. The brunette realized he had been staring for too long. He coughed awkwardly but not breaking eye contact for he did not want to seem as he was caught. He also noticed how deep, dark, charcoal eyes the stranger had. The stranger narrowed his eyes but shrugged and looked away again.

The brunette sighed, not wanting to go home. He looked at the blonde stranger once again.

'Maybe I could talk to him.'

To his own surprise, he walked closer till he stood right beside the stranger. The other looked at him weirdly. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it again. The brunette glanced at the blonde strangers's clothes. Four little letters caught his attention. They were sewed on the jacket.


"Uh..... Hey, SUGA.." The brunette hesitantly greeted, deciding to call him 'SUGA'. The stranger looked at him and raised his eyebrows. 'SUGA' dropped his cigarette and mercilessly crushed it between his thick boots and the ground. He looked at the other again and nodded his head.

"Hey." He said.
"Your name's SUGA?" The brunette asked, surprised. The stranger thought for a while then hummed.
"I guess you could call me that." He said.
"So, what are you doing here so late?"  The brunette asked.

"I could ask you the same thing. By the way, I never got your name." The stranger replied, avoiding the question. A wind blew, messing their hair a little.
"Oh......," The brunette hesitates.

'It's not like I'm going to meet him again.'

"J-Hope. Call me J-Hope." He introduces. SUGA raised his eyebrows but nodded nevertheless.
"So...., why are you here?" J-Hope repeats. SUGA chuckles before answering.

"I come here every night. To clear up my mind, you know?" The brunette thought for a while then hummed.
"What about you?" SUGA asked.

"Oh well, uh......," J-Hope paused then continued. "Same. I come here to relax too." SUGA nodded, amused.  Then silence took over. It was awkward yet comforting for both of them. Their breaths, syncing. After a few minutes, the brunette broke the silence.

"Say, do you have family problems?" He asked slowly, looking at the blonde head. The other chuckled, bitterly.
"A lot." He answered.
"I see." J-Hope nodded understandingly then replied after a bit. "Me too."

Suddenly an obnoxious ringtone interrupted the serious yet warm atmosphere. J-Hope fished his phone out of his pocket and checked the caller ID. He groaned, hitting the phone's screen on his forehead harshly. He pulled away, still contemplating whether to pick up the call or not. SUGA leaned in to glance at the screen, then leaned away, smirking.

"Momma's calling~" He singsonged, teasing, and anticipating J-Hope's next move. J-Hope sighed. He declined the call and turned towards SUGA.

"I guess I got to go?" He ended it like a question. SUGA hummed, nodding, leaning back on the wall, deciding to stay a little longer. The brunette bit his lower lip and looked at the ground then met SUGA's gaze.
"See you around, yea?" He asked. SUGA gave a loop- sided grin, nodding in agreement.

J-Hope smiled wide, his lips turning in to a heart shape. He gave a last wave as he started to jog away.
"Oh yea!" SUGA called out. J-Hope halted, looking back, tilting his head.

"Change the ringtone. It's......... embarrassing." SUGA said simply and smirked when he saw J-Hope gasp and jut his lower lip out.

"Shut up......," He mumbled. "I like it......"
Ok! A chapter done! Finally! Sorry for making you wait. Hope you like it. Love u!

 Love u!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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