A Place Called Where?

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The manticore was about to slash through my face, when a sword came out of nowhere. The guy who had the sword was really tan and had jet black hair and sea green eyes like mine. He started fighting the manticore. "Watch out! A manticores claw is deadly!" I yelled at the boy. He dodged the claws easily. Two other people got here too. One of them was a girl. She was tan and had curly blonde hair. She also had stormy gray eyes. The other kid was very pale and had dark brown eyes. He had shaggy and messy black hair. He looked much younger than the other two, but around my age. They were all fighting the monsters. When the first guy slashed through the manticore it just turned to dust. They fought the rest of them easily. When they were done, they came over to me. They were all wearing orange t-shirts.  They were all studying me. "I'm Percy," the guy who killed the manticore said, "this is Annabeth," He said pointing to the girl, "and this is Nico." He said pointing to the younger boy. "I-I'm Carrie." I stuttered out. "You need to come with us," the younger boy-Nico said. "Why?" I asked stupidly. "Well let's see," Percy started, "That thing that was attacking you wants to kill you. If you don't want to die.... there is only one safe place for you. A place called Camp Half-Blood." Percy said. "How can I know I can trust you?" I asked warily.  They all just stood there looking back and forth. "I guess you can't really." Annabeth and Nico said at the same time Percy said, "we just killed those things that were going  to kill you," Nico and Annabeth just stared at Percy. "What?! It's true!" Percy complained. Annabeth and Percy started getting in an argument.  Nico started talking to me. "So what do you think?" He asked me. "That they need to shut up." I said. Nico opened his eyes wide. "That's what I always say to them!" We laughed. "But I meant what do you think about Camp Half-Blood." He asked. "I think it okay." I can get us there in about five seconds and leave them here." I laughed. "Sure." He looked at Percy and Annabeth still fighting. "Hey guys I'm going to shadow travel to camp!" He told them. "Okay, sure, whatever Nico- WAIT, WHAT?! NO-!" Percy and Annabeth were running at us. Nico grabbed onto me, his hands were cold. He walked into a shadow of a tree. 

Suddenly, everything was dark and it felt like they were going so fast, my face was peeling off. It finally ended and I was blinded by all the light. We were standing at the front of the room next to a guy with a normal human body from the waist up. Below that, he was a horse. "A centaur..." I breathed. "Yes, my dear. I am Chiron. And you are?" "I- um, I'm Carrie." Percy and Annabeth got here. "Do you have a last name?" Someone said. I heard a snicker. "Jackson. Carrie Jackson." I said. I heard everyone gasp. Percy's face paled. "Well, Carrie, can you come with me? Percy you too." Chiron said. I don't know why but I felt like I was in trouble.

Carrie Jackson- Percy Jackson's little sisterWhere stories live. Discover now