The Wish~

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" I see..." Hanako trailed off."Well it certainly is a hard wish but I will try. I will certainly try my absolute best to fulfill it" He looked at you with confidence." This wish will take a long time so I hope your prepared for that." He sat down his back leaning against the bathroom stall. " Well how do you want to proceed? It is your wish after all.." You gave a thoughtful look not thinking this far not believing that sh- he would show up,
"I dont know what to do at this point I never thought this far..." "I see well than I'll take the first step" He stood up."How about this, I will guard you and love you... as long as long as you listen to this offer..."
• • •
[Narrator Pov]
Well then it was settled they agreed on the deal but with a few changes...Oh! You thought I was gonna tell you!Why would I spoil something like this so early? What's the fun in that? Now...
You left without another word wondering what might happen next now that the deal has different terms. Lay-la had just got done with her class waiting on her dear friend. You had just appeared around the corner
Your bestie spotting you and pulling you into a tight squeeze" Y/NNNNNNN WHERE WERE YOUUUUU IVE BEEN SO BOREDDDD" "Lay-la let me go please....can't....breath...." " IM SO SORRY YOU JUST WEREN'T HERE SO I THOUGHT YOU LEFT MEEEEEE" She released her." BUT HERE YOU ARE!*gasp* Did you do it?!?!? Were you able to summon her??!?!?!?" Hanako had been following y/n for a while now and he decided to step in here.
" Dont tell her I wanna play with this" He says above you." No but I'll try agin later!"
"Awe....." Lay-La said, disappointed that her friend couldn't summon the 7th wonder.

"Well no matter!" She says excited," I shall try for you!!!" ' good luck with that' Y/n thought. Hanako started giggling about her dieing wish to summon him. Even if you both know that wont happen..

See You.....//A Toilet-bound Hanako Kun Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now