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@oumasaikinnie12 requested a oumasai sick fic where Kokichi is sick. And since Oumasai is my biggest comfort ship and Kokichi is my highest kin I was definitely up for it! This is a bit longer then the rest since I could write a lot better when Kokichi is one of the main people! This is also taken from personal experiences lol.


He felt like shit.

Kokichi Ouma was sitting in the classroom in the middle of a social studies lesson and felt like shit.

It was a normal Thursday. 10:47 am. They were talking about some war or some king or something old that was important or something. But Kokichi could only think of one thing, and that was his urge to throw up.

When he had started to feel sick he didn't think much about it. He often felt sick due to stress or other reason. It was nothing new. But when the sickness accelerated and he really felt bad, that's when he started to panic.

He really wanted to leave the classroom and go and get some fresh air and maybe a glass of water but he couldn't get himself to raise his hand. Telling other people he felt sick would be showing weakness, and that was something he couldn't do.

He wasn't even close to the door so he wasn't able to sneak out without the teacher noticing.

The nausea came in waves and a big wave had just hit him. He closed his eyes and leaned on his arms, trying to calm down. The fact that he had extreme emetophobia did not help the situation either.


The guy behind Kokichi whispered to him. Kokichi turned around and the motion made him even more nauseous. The guy behind him was Rantaro Amami, one of Kokichis closest friends. As of now, he had a worried expression on his face.

"Are you okay?"

Kokichi nodded and gave him a bright smile. It probably looked really fake.

Then, a huge wave of nausea hit him.

Oh no.

He rushed out of the classroom and headed of in the direction of the bathroom.

He wasn't going to make it.

He panicked even more.

It would be gross to throw up all over the floor.

He put one of his hands over his mouth.

He reached the door to the bathroom.

He was going to make it.

He got into one of the stalls and locked it.

He hung his head over the toilet and began gagging. He really hoped no one heard him as his breakfast and lunch escaped his body.

He kept gagging and coughing for a while. When his stomach calmed down he just sat still in the same position for a while.

He heard someone flush in the stall beside him. The person washed their hands and opened the door. Apparently they met someone at the door because they said:

"Don't go in there, someone fucking puked. Gross dude."

"Ah- um thank you for the warning," the other person said.

Kokichi recognized that voice.


Kokichi rushed out of the classroom.

What had happened? This wasn't like him?

Shuichi felt a hot ball of worry grow in his stomach.

"Where did mr. Ouma run off to now?" the teacher asked.

"I think he felt sick," Rantaro said.


"Would anyone be so kind and go check on him?" the teacher asked.

All eyes landed on Shuichi, and of course he could. Kokichi being safe and happy was one of his highest priorities.

"I can," Shuichi said carefully.

"Ah, mr. Saihara, how kind of you!"

Shuichi stood up and went to the nearest bathroom. When he opened the door he was met with an older student with red hair and a bunch of piercings.

"Don't go in there, someone fucking puked. Gross dude," the guy said.

"Ah-um, thank you for the warning," Shuichi said. He didn't turn around though since he in fact knew who the puking person was.

Only one of the stalls were occupied. Shuichi knocked on that one.

"Ouma, are you in there,"

"No," Kokichi's voice said. It was weak. So very weak.

"Ouma, let me in!"

Kokichi didn't answer.


Using his given name worked. Shuichi heard the toilet flush. Then the door unlocked. Shuichi opened the door. He was met with a sad scene. Kokichi was sitting on the toilet lid, his face pale and forehead sweaty. He looked like he was half sleeping, his eyes were heavily lidded.

"Fancy meeting you here," Kokichi said in a faint whisper. "You come here often, Saihara?"

"How are you feeling, love?" Shuichi asked. He cupped Kokichi's pale cheek. "I'll take you home, okay?"

Kokichi nodded. He tried standing up and after a few tries he was standing up enough to be able to walk with a little help from Shuichi. And by a little he meant a lot. They had to stop a few times when Kokichi started feeling sick again, but he had nothing more to throw up. They got on the train and soon they were outside Kokichi's apartment. Kokichi unlocked the door with shaking hands. When they were inside he sank down on his bed

The little apartment was not big, but it was enough for a seventeen year old. It was one big room with a bedroom, kitchen and living room in one and then a little bathroom.

Shuichi took of his shoes and jacket and helped Kokichi take of his. Then he pulled a blanket over his half sleeping boyfriend. He sat beside him for a while, playing with his hair and holding his hand. When he stood up he felt one of Kokichi's small hands grabbing his wrist.

"Shuichi... please stay,"

Given name and everything, huh?

Shuichi placed himself besides Kokichi and kept talking to him in whispers and holding his hand, just to let him know he was still there. He continued doing this long after Kokichi had fallen asleep.

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