Why the need for a monitor tho?

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Idk the Adonis up top but he is Daniel. Also can somebody enlighten me on who holds such beauty.

Avery's POV,
My eyes opened and I saw a bright light. I guess it's my time.

I heard angry muttering beside me so I turned. First my vision was blurred, then I felt light headed until everything came into focus.

A groan escaped my lips and I heard the pounding footsteps of someone.
"I have a headache stop being so loud" I managed to ground out.

I heard a cry so familiar before female arms took me into their embrace.

"You stupid,stupid girl" Kara exclaimed despite what I said.

"What?" All this talking seemed to weakened my body more.

"You haven't been talking your vitamins haven't you?" At this statement I raised my eyebrow. " "When you have another being in your body you should take vitamins or supplements to help them grow healthily" She sighed like I was to know that.

Something came rushing towards me and I flew up in a sitting position. I gripped her arm so tight as I spoke, " I vomited and passed out."

"Yes I kn-"

"No!!" I grabbed her hand like a lunatic. "I threw up my lunch on Daniel Wilson!!!"

She grew silent and I feared I broke her with fear. Her face was ashen then slowly it regained colour before losing it again.

"So that's who the nurses said was lingering by here"

"What??!!!" I screamed.

She must have realized what she said before letting out a scream of her own.

"I'm still here you know" a male voice said.

We both screamed. "Aaahh" we heard. I turned with K and once again we screamed very loudly.

Apparently screaming is not good for me as the monitor started beeping like crazy and a doctor and some nurses rushed in.

They were unable to keep me calm as a HUGE threat to my life was in the room so I began to hyperventilate.

I heard somebody say excuse me and walked past the nurses to be in front of me. It was Daniel so I screamed murder because who wouldn't.

"Quiet!" I don't know what made me listen to him but my mouth snapped shut on command. "You will calm down and you and your friend will stop screaming. It's giving me a headache."

My head bobbed up and down until he told me to stop that too. This is what I hate about fear. It's too controlling.

The doctor and nurses stared agape at him. If they went to my school they would understand.

"Are you going to stare at me all day or check up on your patient?"

The doctor cleared his throat and looked at me. " You fainted -"

He snorted at this. I glared a bit then quickly told the doctor to continue.

" Seeing as you are pregnant you have to take better care of yourself Avery. Because you have not been taking the vitamins and was under a good amount of stress your body shut down." I opened my mouth to talk but he cut me off.

"They are over the counter drugs so you do not need a prescription. Schedule an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible and take it easy. Because you just fainted you can sign yourself out whenever by hopefully today as we need the extra bed."

I stared wide eyed at him. I moved my eyes up and down his body. How old was this guy. Does it kill you to say ASAP. Like who says as soon as possible nowadays?

Realizing that at this time I should not be thinking of how this doctor is outdated I sat up and asked the obvious question. "If I just fainted why am I strung up to a monitor?"

He answered as if it was the most obvious thing. "Usually the first trimester of pregnancy is the hardest so it was precautionary" With that he was paged so he was leaving"

"Doc?" I called and he backtracked. "Next time use ASAP and not as soon as possible not that what you said was wrong or anything but just use it as a precautionary. It saves time and you don't know when it can save a life."

He stared at me like I grew two heads and left.

The nurses removed the strings from me and I got up then remembered we had company. "Oh crap"

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