Ultrasound Pt.1

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Avery's POV,
It's been days since I have had a conversation one on one with him. He who shalt not be named.
I sit at his table every other day. We all talk except for STD who has developed a large amount of hatred for me.

As for my baby it has been quite a few weeks and even though I am not showing just yet I can't wait to give birth to my angel. Can't say I don't appreciate the nine months of no period though.

Today, the second day of the school week is the day I see my little peanut and I can't wait. Just have to go through 6 subjects, all one hour and lunch with the obnoxious rich kids. What a day to look forward to.


Kara and I sat at our table but for some reasons she deems it as... I can't even describe or explain it. You would think she would be happy I sat with her today but she has been ranting about Daniel.

I ate my pizza slice in silence watching her slice go cold since she hasn't stopped talking from the start of lunch. Eventually I tuned out. If I played the pregnancy card do you think I could get two more slices or three? Maybe with chicken toppings and pineapples. And some tenders with yummy honey glazed sauce.

Suddenly I was yanked from my mouthwatering day dream by somebody yanking on my polo. After making sure no drool was on my face I looked up ready to curse that person but I stopped at the sight of Dan's angry face.

"Why are you not at my table?"

"Excuse me?" I more blurted out than asked but who does he think he is?

"You are to be seated at that table every lunch with me now lets go"

I opened my mouth to tell him off but he yanked me up and made a gesture for me to walk. Such an ass, like does he think the world or at least mine revolves around him.

It seemed to frustrate him that I just stood there so like the brute he is he pulled my folded arm. This prick didn't even warn before hand and I of course tripped. To make matters worse he didn't care and in his rage pulled me harder and shouted for me to walk.

Once again I tripped but this time I fell and really hard, on my stomach.

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