Backstories-Agent Brutus

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Midas' right hand man, Brutus was Formerly Lt Evergreen. He was corrupted by watching too many Terminator movies making his accent like Arnold's. While he was Lt. Evergreen he has an African accent trying to disguise himself. Brutus ends up making a device that allows him to make the skin of his choice to disguise himself with.. his best friends are Cable and Ripply
He met Cable and Ripply in high school on the football team where they immediately became friends as before that, Brutus was Antisocial and depressed because of how THICC he was. Since they were all THICC they made up a team-The Fatforcers.
Wife=Sky-Met in high school, was into bondage and hide and seek so he was into it.
Son=Cable despite meeting Cable in high school. When Brutus and Sky had a child Cable teleported too frequently through time which infused his soul into their child making Cable reemerge as Brutus' son.
Died when his Helmet got knocked of by some chick in the opening cinematic for one of the battle passes.
Resurrected after Midas fought for control of the machine that was manipulating them in the Shadow realm allowing them to return to earth.
After the tragic incident of Midas' cloning machine going haywire, a Evil clone of Midas "touched" Brutus' causing him to turn to gold throughout that season.
Brutus prefers to have his ghost suit on because it covers up his fully golden body. He has to order new suits every week as when he puts them on, They will start to turn gold.

His favourite Emote is Raise the roof.

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