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Cable is a time traveler. One time he traveled back in time to meet Brutus and Midas on the football team, they immediately became friends and started hanging out.
When Brutus and sky started hanging out, Brutus would tell Cable about his wild adventures with sky. Cable would be intrigued enough to go back in time to go and see what they did. You could call him a stalker but...
After countless times doing this his time traveling device messed up, he wounded up back in the womb of Sky, Allowing him to be born again as Beutus' son.
While he was the best player in the football team, he set a world record on how many young football players a person can kill with one shoulder charge. That being 7.

His favourite hobbies involve time traveling, making alternate dimensions, Hanging with his father (Brutus), not being dead and having his cloak on.

His favourite Emote is a tie between Electro Swing and Scootn

Brutus' Bizarre Adventure (Joke times) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt