Chapter 8

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Prince Keefe and Princess Biana walked alongside the ocean. 

"So, Prince Keefe from France, tell me about your charming self. What's life back at home?" 

"Well Princess, my mom died when I was 12. Ever since, it's been me and my dad. Let's just say, he's not the most loving father..." Keefe's voice trailed off. 

"Oh Keefe, I'm so sorry. Were you close?" Biana asked.

"Very." Keefe said, "I was a mama's boy for sure." he smiled, "anyway, I get along at home just fine. I have a best friend named Frederic. We make trouble together." 

"Oh I bet..." Biana said giggling, changing the subject, "well, a handsome man like you must have plenty of girls back home just eager for you to come back. Anyone in particular?" 

"Wow. Princess, for a girl looking to marry, you sure don't mind hearing about my love life..." he teased, "but there is this one girl..." 

"Oooo... I knew it!" Biana laughed. 

"Whatever," he said, rolling his eyes, "her name is Sophie. She has honey hair, and golden brown eyes..." he said getting lost in his thoughts. 

Biana had to laugh at him. "Well, Prince Keefe, for a boy coming here to marry, you don't seem to excited about leaving her in the first place! Why did you come if your heart was taken by someone else? Surely you can't expect to marry while loving someone else...?"  

"No...quite the opposite," he answered, "I do still love her. With all my heart. And I promised her I would be back one day." 

"Then why are you here?" Biana asked softly, as she stopped walking. 

"My father." he paused turning toward her, "you see, Sophie is a simple Lord's daughter. Not quite the legacy my father wants for me. So he sent me off to this competition, believing that I would win. Princess Biana, you're absolutely gorgeous and delightful. But I could never in my right mind marry you and still love another. I would never hurt someone like that, especially you. You deserve so much better than a man already committed." 

"Oh Keefe. I understand to the fullest. Thank you for your honesty. In fact, I think you were right to tell me now, seeing how I would totally start falling for you..." she said.

Keefe smirked. "It's my hair, isn't it?" 

Biana laughed. "I would have to agree that it is your defining feature. Sophie is a lucky girl, Keefe. I suggest that you love with your heart, and do what you feel is right. Don't marry for your father, your country, or me. Marry someone that makes you happy. That you can see yourself for years to come. Someone you love. Like Sophie..." she finished. 

"Thank you Princess. That means a lot..." he said, "and I would suggest the same advice for you. I see what's going on with you and Mr Song." Keefe said, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Oh be quiet." Biana said, "I could never love Tam in that  way. He is a stable boy, and we are best friends..." 

"Ahh but it's the ones who know you best that sneak their way into your heart." Keefe said, "And weren't you the one that just told me to love who your heart desires? Royal or not?! All I'm saying is to keep that option open. He cares deeply for you. I see the way he looks at you." 

"Ok, well I can't worry about that now..." Biana sighed, "I have 3 more princes to rule out. Though I cannot imagine my future with any of them. I guess I have a few weeks to get to know them more." 

"And in the meantime, you can always talk to me now that I consider you a good friend." Keefe added. 

"Of course. In fact, this has been a good night. Thank you Prince Keefe."

"Anytime, Princess, anytime." he answered giving his signature smirk. 

But even as Biana and Keefe enjoyed the rest of their night, eating and laughing under the full moon, she thought about what Keefe had told her. Was Tam falling for her? And even scarier, did she feel the same way? She tried to shake the silly, silly, thoughts out of her head as she said goodbye to Keefe and got ready for her time with Dex. But she couldn't ignore the fact that every time she thought of Tam, her heart fluttered a little faster than usual. 

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