Chapter 1

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I’ve been sheltered basically my entire life. My dads are a little overprotective which is totally unfair considering what they used to do. One of them got involved in turf wars and the other is the most feared demon in hell. I don’t have anyone to talk to besides my hellhound, Apache. They barely let me out of the house. Don’t get me wrong, I love them and I love this house but I long to go outside and experience the world. However, until I’m able to go outside my art still allows me to express my feelings. When I paint it’s  like my thoughts and feelings-my soul-are put onto the canvas. It’s basically my therapy. I have to go now - thanks for listening.

From the desk of a lonely demon

I finished writing my post for today on my blog just as my dad called me down for dinner. “Ally, time for dinner!”

“Coming Dad.”

I walked downstairs to see my aunts Charlie and Vaggie holding hands smiling and waving at me.

“Hi, Alice. How are you doing?”, Auntie Vaggie asked me.

“I’m doing fine. And you guys. What is your reason to visit?”, I replied.

“Actually there is something we need to tell you guys so your father asked us over to dinner,” Aunt Charlie said nervously.

“Ah, hello, Charlotte and Vaggitha! Welcome to our humble abode.” My father said walking in with a warm smile.

“Humble! This thing is almost as big as the hotel!”, Vaggie stated.

“Vaggie! Don’t be rude. Please call us Charlie and Vaggie.”, Charlie said with a nervous smile.

We all sat down to dinner, my dad started talking about things that I didn’t care enough about to pay attention to. My mind started wandering to other things: art, writing, and then towards the outside. Like most places in hell there were a lot of windows on the house and my room had some of the biggest. I love looking outside and painting what I see. There are so many interesting sights where I live: the nearby swamps, the city, the forest near the swamps. They inspire me every day. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by a resounding “ALICE!”, which brought me back to reality - where, now  everyone was staring at me.

Charlie stammered on, “A-anyways, we wanted to tell you guys that-”

“We’re getting married!” Vaggie interrupted Charlie. 

“Wow! That is wonderful! When’s the date?” my dad said enthusiastically. 

“March 15th next year,” replied Aunt Vaggie.

“Is there any other reason you might’ve come here this evening?”, I inquired.

“I-uh, we wanted to ask if you would consider coming to our wedding. It would mean a lot.” Aunt Charlie replied.

“But of course! We would love nothing more, wouldn’t we my darling?”, my father said enthusiastically.

“Totally! We will see ya there,” my dad said. 

“Great!” Charlie responded. “Thanks! We had better get going. We have to go back to the hotel. Alastor we hope we'll see you tomorrow for work.”

Charlie and Vaggie got up and left. And with that I excused myself upstairs to paint.

My room is soundproof because I am incredibly shy, even to my parents and like to be isolated so I don’t embarrass myself in front of others. I pulled my paints out and tried to paint but I wasn’t inspired, so I decided to listen to some music. I started listening to “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga. I began to spin and twirl around my room, leaping and moving to the rhythm and flow of the music. When the song ended, I noticed someone in the doorway of my balcony clapping.


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