The Underworld

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"Where am I?" Colette thought. "And what is this place?"  She thought as she looked at herself, screaming to realize that she looked like a demon. 

"Colette, welcome to the Underworld." Said a creepy voice.

"What?" Colette asked. "I'm in the Underworld?

"Yes, you are," it replied.


"Huh?" Colette asked herself, now back in the real world. "Oh, it was just a dream," she then thought.

"but it seemed so realistic!" "Well, who cares." "I just really need to find some shelter."  "I mean, I am in the middle of a desert."

As she started running again, she spotted a demon-like figure in the distance.

"Colette," The voice said. Colette screamed, running in the other direction.

"You can't run away," The voice said, teleporting in front of Colette. Colette tried to kick the demon, but he vanished in thin air.

"You can't see me now." "Colette."   

 Colette fell back because the demon kicked her. Hard. "Who are you?" Colette asked, "Or, What are you?"

"You don't know who I am?" The demon screeched. "You don't know who I am?"

Those were his last words before he vanished.


"What the F*** is wrong with me?"  "Why can't I just be normal?" Colette heard a mysterious boy next to her say. "Why am I so unlucky?" he screamed, tears running down his cheeks.

"Hey!" Colette said. "What's wrong?" 

"Who are you?" The boy asked as he started to stop crying.

"I'm Colette!" "What's your name?"She asked

"I'm Edgar." He replied. "Nice to meet you."

"You too!" Colette said.

End of Flashback

"Now I remember..." Colette thought. "That demon was Edgar, but why did he try to attack me?" Or was he trying to save me from something?" 

"I'm thirsty, and I think I'm gonna collapse" "I just need water..." "Water...

2 months later

Colette found herself in a dark room. She needed to adjust her eyes a little so that she could see better. A few minutes later, she started noticing some details in the room. She was on a mattress, in a room with a lot of paintings hung on the wall. She looked next to her and saw a young girl with red hair sleeping. She decided to explore the house more and went to another room. 

She then saw a boy, definitely older than the girl from before. He also had red hair and had two revolvers in his pockets. 

"Better not get too close to that guy." "He has real weapons in his pockets." "I mean, I only have a flipping book." "This place is still cool!"

"Ugh," groaned Colt. "I was sleeping." "Wait a sec, Aren't you that weird girl that we found lying in the middle of a desert?"

"Um, yeah." She replied. "What's your name actually?" Colette asked him

"I'm Colt. "You?"

"My name's Colette."

"Oh, did you know that you were asleep for 2 weeks?" "Crazy, right?" Colt asked


"Jeez, chill." "At one point we thought that you were dead.

"Is she awake?" A voice spoke from behind. "I was enjoying my sleep." A girl said.

"That's just my sister Jessie," Colt said. "She's a real pain in the butt."

"Well I could say the same," Jessie replied.

Sorry guys, I only managed to write 548 words. Next time I'll try to write more. I still hope that you enjoyed it.

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