David: Part 2

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It was 8:30 PM. David parked his car by the alley opposite the diner. He looked over his shoulder repeatedly as we waited outside of his car. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. I'm not fond of the odour, so I got in the backseat.

Ten minutes later, the waitress came out of the diner. He threw the cigarette and beckoned her over. They got in the car swiftly and David zoomed off.

He drove us to his apartment. It was in a ten storey building.

"I'll go in. Wait five minutes before you come up. If anyone asks, tell them you are here to clean one of the apartments." He opened the car door. "First floor, Apartment 24. Here," he handed her the car keys, "lock the car when you are coming."

She nodded.

He went in and I followed.

He lived in a one-bedroom apartment with an unusually long hall between the living room and the bedroom.

10 minutes later she rang his doorbell. A half-naked David opened the door slightly and hurried her in.

"Did anyone see you?" He asked.

"No." She looked around. "Beautiful space you've got here."

"Thanks. Make yourself comfortable."

She smiled at him and threw her purse on the couch. He pulled her close and placed a kiss on her neck.

The answer is, yes. We are allowed to watch you have sex.

"Wait...wait...slow down. I need to freshen up first," she whispered.

David - holding her hips - pointed down the hall, "the bathroom is to the left."

She slowly unbuttoned her white shirt showing the see-through pink bra underneath. She unzipped her grey pant revealing her pink sheer panties. She turned around and cat-walked to the bathroom.

As she disappeared into the bathroom, David took off his blue jean and flung it. He left his underwear on and modeled several sitting postures on the couch before finally settling for the four-figure sitting cross leg.

Typical, I know.

Twenty minutes later, David jumped out of his nap.

I had him jump off their ten storey building in his dream... my bad... but he needed to wake up.

She was still in the bathroom, but he could hear the shower running.

"Shouldn't you go and check up on her, she's been in there forever." I whispered in his left ear.

He yawned and looked up at the clock. It was 10:40 PM. He ignored my suggestion and dozed off... again!

Twenty minutes later, he jolted awake - sweating.

I had to drown him this time to make him wake up.

He looked around. She still wasn't out of the bathroom and the shower was still running.

He got up and strolled to the bathroom.

Better late than never, I thought.

"Are you okay in there?" He asked as he stood by the door.

His question was met with silence, but the shower kept running.

He knocked on the door. "Everything fine in there?" He asked, slightly raising his voice this time.

No response.

He knocked over and over again as the tapping sounds grew louder with each knock.

The silence grew louder as well. 

He packed a punch and began to bang on the door and twisting the handle.

"Hey...Hello...Are you in there?!"

"I bet you wish you knew her name now, don't you?" I said.

He startled and twisted the handle even harder while simultaneously slamming his body on the door. He failed the first time...and the second time...and the third.

He burst the door open at the fifth attempt and there she was, passed out under the shower. Her eyes shut and her head lolled sideways.

He wobbled towards her and carried her out of the shower. He sat on the floor and held her in his arms.

"Hey...Hey..." he whispered, patting her cheek and sidelining her hair.

He placed a finger under her nose, but couldn't feel her breath.

"No. no. no. no," he cried.

He put two fingers in the groove of her neck but felt nothing.

"No, please. No."

He laid her on the floor gently. He locked his fingers on her chest and compressed. It went on for few minutes, but she did not respond.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck," he spouted as he paced around the bathroom, "don't die please. Please don't die."

He knelt back down at her side and held her mouth open. He breathed into her but she did not wake up.

He charged back at the wall behind him and stared at her lifeless body. He shut his eyes closed and opened them, the body was still there. He curled up in tears calling onto every single God out there, but to no avail.

Then suddenly, he got up and rushed out of the bathroom to the living room. He looked around for his phone and found it in the pocket of his jean. He dialed a number.

"9 9 9, what's your emergency?"

He paused, then hung up.

"No. No. call them back and tell them your emergency." I yelled in his left ear.

"I can't!" He yelled back at me, then quickly held his mouth closed.

For a second, I actually thought he could see me.

"they'll lock me up. Forever. Or worse, kill me. I can't. I have to get rid of her body."

Oh. So, this is why I'm here. I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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