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as I lie in my bed, trying to fall asleep, I hear the window creak loudly. I shoot up and call out, but hear no one. "Hello? someone there?" Must've been my imagination. I lie back down and close my eyes. I sense someone's there and slowly open my eyes. As I do I see two glowing red dots above me. "AH WH--marshal--" I feel a tight, cold, firm grip around my neck and I can't breath. I try to say his name but no words come out. He quickly let go of my neck and shoved my knees into my chest, pulling my pants down just enough to get access to my ass. "MARSHALL WAIT PLEASE NO DON--" he slams himself into me with no restraint and I hear this ticking sound...but I don't feel pain...I don't feel anything...I don't understand. ..

Just then my eyes flutter open. It was a dream? My heart was beating a mile a minute and my bed is damp with sweat. Why...would I dream that. as a tear rolls down my cheek I hear the ticking noise again. "What in the world?"'s coming from my window. I walk over to the window, rubing off the tear as I slide it open.  "Hey...gummy." marshall was floating there, soaking wet with a sad look on his cute face. "Marshall? What's wrong? Your soaking wet, come in side before you catch a could!" "Thanks gummy" he said softly. Usually I would yell at him for calling me that but...he seems so off...what's wrong with him. I walk into the bathroom and grab him a towel. "He sad...that's unlike him.." I walk back out to see marshall holding his damp shirt. I stopped and my face got warm. He is...really fit. What am I thinking?! He is upset. I need to know what happend. "Here marsh" I said handing him the soft yellow towel. "I...I'm sorry for this. I know it's late." He says. "Don't be, it's fine and I'm glad I can help. Now tell me, what in the world happend?"  "Its...kind of a long story. I found this cat about two days ago...well actually it's more like a kitten...was...more like a kitten. Anyway I was taking it back home and it seemed relaxed and almost relieved.  As I was floating her over the river, a flock of birds came out of the trees and startled she jumped out of my arms and into the river. I went after her but I can't feels awful. I gave her 5 minutes of hope and then she was gone...back to sad and danger..." I saw tears start to fill his eyes. "Marsh i...I'm sorry." To be honest...I'm never thought I'd see him so's not like him. "Lately it seems all the people or things I decide to put my time into leave. But that's the way it's always been...and always will be." He added. He seems very upset. "Marshal i..." I grad his hand and look into his eyes "I'll never leave you. I know it may not mean much coming from me...but I'll be with you through thick and thin" he wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight. "Gumball...It means the world to me...thank you" he said softly.  He let's go slowly and turns away. "Now let's get you into some dry clothes" I said. I handed him a pair of spare boxers from my drawer, that I kept in case of emergencies like this. "I'll be right back with some dry pajama pants" I said quickly leaving the room.

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