Chapter three

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Kokichi was excited, today was the day he would go job hunting with his soon to be husband.
Shuichi has let him barrow a fancy black shirt and some nice slacks. He smiled happily and they soon left the house with high hopes.
The two held hands and walked down the street. Kokichi thought nothing of it, but Shuichi was a bit nervous, hoping no one would confront the duo.
Kokichi started talking about how he hoped he'd get a job. Kokichi was too busy looking at Shuichi that he accidentally bumped into someone, someone who was all too familiar male.
"Kiato! How are you?" Kokichi smiled sweetly, Kaito was around twenty last time Kokich had seen him, but now he was around the age of thirty five. Kaito smiled seeing the younger male in front of him.
"I'm good! I'm glad you're not still stuck in that hellhole! I knew you were innocent." Kaito smiled, giving Kokichi a thumbs up.
Kokichi smiled and showed Kaito his ring. Kaito seemed to be a bit worried by it. "Aren't you around like seventeen or eighteen? Damn man! Who's the lucky lady?" Kaito asked smirking.
"Oh! I'm gay, this is Shuichi, my fiance!" Kokichi said happily and kissed Shuichi on the cheek, though he had to stand on his toes.
Kaito looked at the couple and patted Kokichi's back. He then held out hand for Shuichi to shake.
"You must be a good man for my nephew to choose you! Put'er there!" Kaito smiled. Shuichi smiled and shook the man's hand.
Kaito wasn't really Kokichi's uncle, but they've known each other for so long if feels like they are related to each other.
Soon Kokichi's phone rang and he was a bit confused. It was an unknown number.
He answered the call and put it up to his ear. "Hello? Who's this?" Kokichi asked, Shuichi gave him a look, the male just shrugged.
"Oh Kichi, you know who I am." The voice said. Kokichi's smiled dropped instantly as he started to violently shake.
"How did you get my number?..." Ouma asked, horrified. Shuichi looked at the smaller male and took the phone as Kaito hugged the small male gently. Kokichi broke out into sobs as he gripped Kaito's shirt.
"Who the hell is this? Why the fuck are you calling my fiance?" Shuichi growled angrily.
"Oh, that retard didn't tell you about his daddy dearest? You must be that faggot caretaker that got my son free. Well just know, if I find you twinks I'll fucking kill you both." Kokichi's dad chuckled from the other side of the phone.
"Fuck you! I'm having the cops trace this number, asshole!" Saihara shouted into the phone.
"Its a payphone, go ahead." Kokichi's father then hung up and Shuichi looked over to his fiance, fear written on the smaller males face.
"S-Shu... H-How did he get m-my number?" Kokichi cried out, a crowd had already gathered.
"I-I.. L-Let's go f-find a job f-for me... P-Please Shu..." Kokichi whimpered. Shuichi nodded and Kaito decided to go with them.
They walked to a starbear and saw a hiring sign. They entered the coffee shop and went to the cashier. "H-Hi, I'd like to apply for a job.." Kokichi said to the girl.
"Okay, let me grab my manager!" She said happily. Kokichi smiled sweetly as a girl with light green hair walked out.
"I'm Kirumi Toji, I'm the manager of Starbear, you're looking for a job?" She smiled happily.
"Yes! I have my resume right here!" Kirumi looked at the resume then asked him a few questions. When he was done answering the questions she smiled at him.
"You're hired, we've been needing a new employee for a month and you're the first to apply. When can you start, Kokichi?" She asked.
"Uhh, whenever you want me to!" The small male replies with a happy smile on his face. "Also.." He had started. He explained his mental disorders and she just smiled.
"We don't discriminate here hun." She said. Soon he was pulled to the coffee machines so he could learn to use them before he actually had to work next Monday.
"Woah, this is awesome! I'm a barista, Shumai!" Kokichi giggled from behind the counter as Kirumi continued to show him the proper way to use the machines.
Soon he had been taught everything and he had thanked the woman for the job. She gave him a kind smile and Kaito said he had to get home to his boyfriend, Korekiyo Shinguji.
Soon a girl with blue hair, who was a barista came to Kokichi. "I'm Tsumugi Shirogane! I'm your new co-worker, nice to meet you!" The kind girl smiled.
"I'm Kokichi Ouma, this is my fiance Shuichi Saihara!" Kokichi smiled. Tsumugi smiled and held out a hand to Kokichi. After he shook her hand she held it out to Shuichi.
"It's a pleasure to meet both of you! I'm excited to work with someone new!" The girl chuckled.
"It'll be awesome to work with you!" Ouma smiled happily. They said their goodbyes then the couple went home, almost completely forgetting the phone call.
Soon the two turned soon went to sleep, feeling tired after the days events. Kokichi slept in his room, Shuichi slept in his own room, they both drifted to sleep.
Shuichi had never seen Kokichi's father, but he had a pretty good mental image of him.
He was having a nightmare, he had gotten home late after dealing with a bullying situation.
He flicked on the lights only to see Kokichi strapped to a chair. The smaller male was squirming, tears rolling down his face, a choke ball in his mouth.
Muffled screams and cries came from the strapped up male. Shuichi ran over and undid the choke ball, tears now streaming down his own face as Kokichi whimpered.
"H-He's behind me.." Then Kokichi's throat was slit and the male choked and coughed on his blood, Shuichi tried to help but couldn't move. He watched his lover struggle and die before him.
Shuichi woke up in a cold sweat and ran to Kokichi's room. He saw the other male perfectly fine and sighed in relief.
His Kokichi was safe. For now.

Is This the Same World? (Second book) (SaiOuma)Where stories live. Discover now