i cant think of a title name

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y/n pov:

After I had walked into my house, I immediately ran up to my room and shut the door. A huge smile was on my face, almost feeling like it had a mind of its own. I haven't ever felt this good in- well.. ever I'm being perfectly honest. No one has ever showed this much interest in me, even outside of school. I'm not really educated on "romance" or anything related to it either, its all new to me.

I decide to take a shower, since there's dried up ice cream left on my face. After about 10 minutes, I step out and wrap a red towel around my body. I change into my pajamas and sit on my bed, staring at the ceiling, replaying the moments Ibara and I had shared in my head. All of a sudden, a loud buzz interrupts me. I look at my phone to see...

*@ibaraobamii started following you*

I screamed in my head, it kinda sounded like "L{O{EI{ERY*#&Q)@37q3eQ" if I'm being perfectly honest. That same smile from before was back, stretching from ear to ear. I decided to wait until morning to follow him back. Suddenly I felt my eyes get heavy, and I fell asleep.

ibara pov:

This girl... I dont know if I should be doing this. I came to Hyakkou for one reason, and one reason only. To defeat Kirari. I can't get distracted from my main goal, but I want to know y/n better. She's so beautiful, I wish I could see her face one more time...I wish today could have lasted forever. But like I said.. I can't get distracted. The Momobami clan is my main priority at the moment. I should probably get some sleep, I gotta look good for y/n.

*time skip: 7:30 am*

I wake up and check my phone.

*@y/n_l/n followed you.*

A huge smile crept on my face, until I looked at the time. "7:30 am. you've gotta be fucking kidding me." I rush to my sink and start getting ready, realizing that I only had 30 minutes left until school starts. I quickly change into my uniform and head out with my brother, Rin.

"Let me guess, you woke up late again."

"Oh shut up Rin, dont act like you haven't woken up late before."

"And didnt you go to sleep early?? How the fuck does that even work?"

I said nothing and just smiled at him.

"You're such a dumbass."

I laughed and we started to head to school.

As soon as we got there, Rin went off to talk with Terano. I decided to walk to my classroom, when all of a sudden I saw y/n. Just by looking at her, I could feel my face become bright red. She noticed me, and waved with a smirk on her face. She started to walk in my direction, and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. I had no idea what to do, so I just awkwardly stood there with my intensely red cheeks. She was walking with a blonde haired girl, I think her name was Mary.. Or something like that. I've seen her hang around that Yumeko chick too. Maybe y/n is friends with them.

"Hey Ibara. Thanks for yesterday, we should do it again soon." y/n said to me.

"O-Oh, thanks it was no big deal really.. Yeah we should do it again w-whenever!"

I awkwardly laughed and rubbed the back of my head. I tried my best to remain calm, but I ended up sounding like some shy school girl out of some anime. As y/n walked away, Mary and her were laughing, most likely at me, but I couldn't really blame them. As I walked to class, I just couldn't stop thinking of y/n. I sat in my desk, right next to her. I tried to stay quiet because I didn't want to make things more awkward, but y/n broke the silence.

"Ibara, did you get one of these invitations too?"

She showed me a black envelope, with a red stamp on it.

"Hmm.. " I said while searching inside my desk.

"Yeah I did. I wonder what it is...Here, let's open it together."

She nodded her head, and we began to open the letter.

"Invitation to a gamble prepared by Yumeko Jabami, and Terano Totobami. Starts at 2:00 pm in room 4A." I read in my head.

"Hmm. It looks like we were invited to gamble with Yumeko Jabami and Terano Totobami."

Y/n looked incredibly unamused.

"Are you gonna go?"

"Yeah. Its most likely an election match, and I need to secure more votes."

"Alright then. See you there."


OH. MY. GOD. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200+ READS!!!!! i cannot thank you guys enough for supporting this story, its my first time ever writing a fanfiction, and i dont really know how to write about being romantic with a guy since im gay ASF so i am very surprised at how well this story is doing! Thank you for reading, and if you have any ideas for the title name of this chapter please put it in the comments, i would greatly appreciate it! Have a great day

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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