the beginning

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       It all began when she opened her eyes, she felt confused and lost ,not remembering anything, as she tried to adjust her sight she starts to notice her surroundings, she was in what seems to be a mausoleum, even though it was dark she could clearly see the dust, there was a lot of spiderwebs, so she concluded that it's been a while since someone visited this place. She couldn't comprehend what was happening and why was she there, and what frightened her the most is that she was sleeping in a coffin. Trying to stand up, to leave this scary place, her legs gave in as she fell to the ground, it seems she was out for a long time as her legs were numb, she tried again, this time leaning on the wall, slowly so she won't fall a second time, when she was on her two feet she starts to walk towards the exit, stopping now and then to rest a little and to steady herself.

Finally outside she could feel the fresh air past her long dark hair, she felt somehow grateful to the breeze which helped her to stay awake and not fall asleep again, looking around her, she appears to be at the border of a forest, so the only way she assumed to lead somewhere was the little way that leads to the stairs.

Walking down the stairs was difficult, but she had to, if she wanted some help, it was night time the moon was up in the sky and the only way which seemed to have some people passing by was that only road down the stairs. She was going down step by step, taking her time, as she was going down, barefoot, she stepped on a sharpe rock, hissing in pain she stumbled and fell, rolling down. She felt miserable, tears threatened to fall, but quickly gathered her forces to stand up when she heard a car coming her way, she stood in the middle of the road to make sure the car would stop, hoping the person who's driving wouldn't ignore her or hit her.

The driver was quick to react as soon as he saw something was in the middle of the road he pressed the break to stop before he hit it. He hurried to exit the car and check out what was that. What was before him was a girl, which seems to be at most in her early twenties, her long black hair, garnet eyes and almost white skin made her stand out, he didn't even realize he was holding his breath until she took a step towards him.
Back to his sense he asked her worriedly about herself " are you alright !? I almost hit you, what are you doing in the middle of the road !?".

He looked at her for a reply, urging her to give him an answer.

" please" before she feel all her energy drained out of her and fall unconscious.

" H-hey wait!!" He managed to grab her before she hit the ground.

When lifting her body he was surprised how lightweighted she was, before opening his car and laying her down in the back seats. Thanks to his brother who is a doctor, he quickly checked out if she was breathing or had any injuries, and at first sight she seemed to be alright.

The right thing to do in these situation is to take her to the hospital, so he called his brother to see if he was there.

After a short period of time, the girl start to wake up, hearing a voice, she tried her best to stay conscious, and focus on what the voice was saying, opening her eyes little by little.

" I ?" She said with a little voice, she couldn't talk, the words felt heavy out of her dry mouth.

The driver was Taken aback by the sudden voice.

" You woke up! I was so worried!" He said with a relief. " You are in my car, we are headed to the hospital" he added.

Upon hearing the word hospital the girl started to panic, she didn't know why but she knew that she must not in any circumstances go to the hospital.

Felling the panic coming from the girl he tried to reassure her by introducing himself, " my name is kaname by the way, what's yours ?".

"DON'T! NOT THE HOSPITAL! PLEASE !" she start yelling in distress.

Shocked by her cry, he tried to comfort her, "don't worry, they won't hurt you, they are just gonna make sure you are alright and healthy " he said with a soothing voice.

" I-I beg of you, don't take me there.. anywhere but there! I can't !..." She start to panic again but got cut off by kaname.

" Okay-okay, please calme brother is a doctor at least let him give you a check up, it's this or the hospital" he said to her with a strict voice.

Felling that she doesn't have much of a choice, she agreed.

After a while of silence, he asked her about her name again, "you didn't tell me your name, so what's your name miss? "

Not hearing an answer, he looked at her only to find her sleeping again.

"Well then, nevermind.." he told himself.

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