Act 1

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     Finally home, kaname took the young lady and went inside, not a sound could be heard as it was night time, he was sure that almost all the household was soundly sleeping. The few noises that were there were his own footsteps and the elevators door opening  and closing, he pressed the button number five and waited a few seconds before stepping outside of it.

He arrived at what seems to be the living room, he delicately deposed the young miss in the L shaped couch.

"I thought you wouldn't be here until tomorrow, kaname-nii", said a voice upstairs.

Kaname turned his head to look up at his interlocutor, " I thought so too, but I have encountered some..", he paused looking back at the young girl before him, ".. trouble. Say Azusa, can you call masaomi-nii here, please? I need him".

Azusa couldn't comprehend what was happening but he complied to his brothers request.

After a while Azusa came back with Masaomi.

"Here you are Azusa ! I was searching for you, you left in the middle of practice" said a boy who looked like Azusa.

"Sorry Tsubaki, kaname-nii seems to have some problems and asked me to fetch Masaomi-nii fo him" said Azusa.

After going down the stairs, Masaomi noticed the girl behind Kaname, "don't tell me you brought her here? You should have taken her to the hospital!".

"I'm sorry masa-nii, but upon hearing the word hospital she started to panic and shout, so I told her that at least she should let you examine her" said kaname feeling guilty.

Not understanding what's happening, Azusa and Tsubaki, took a few steps towards Kaname, only to notice a jet black haired girl laying in their couch.

"W-who's this, kaname-nii?" Said Azusa, feeling afraid that his brother had caused some trouble.

"She is gorgeous kana-nii! Where did you find her ?" On contrary of his twin, Tsubaki couldn't help but exprime how beautiful she is.

After explaining what happened, Masaomi agreed to do a little check up.

" Well, she seems fine, only a few scratches here and there, but nothing to worry about" said Masaomi, "but, as a doctor I suggest she sould go to the hospital"

"But why a girl like her would go wondering around at the border of a forest? Plus barefoot" Said Azusa, trying to understand the situation.

" I don't know...maybe she was lost" Kaname tried to come up with a logical explanation.

After hearing so much noises the sleeping beauty starts to wake up again, this time taking her time to adjust, after a short while she opened her eyes only to see four people sitting next to her, as she starts to rise to be in a sitting position she asked, "where am I ? "

The four guys looked her way,

" Ah, you are awake, I'm the guy who found you in the forest, Kaname, remember? "

She slowly nodded her head, as he continued, " I brought you to where I live, so my brother here, who is a doctor, can examine how you are" he tried his best to explain to her what happened the whole time she was out unconscious.

"Excuse me, I'm Masaomi, and those guys over there are Azusa and Tsubaki also our brothers and as my brother Kaname said I'm a doctor, well a pediatrician to be exact.. can I ask you a few questions if you don't mind ?"

She nodded again saying " you can, but I don't think it will help much"

"And why is that?" Said Masaomi concerned.

" Because the only thing I remember is my name, which is saya" she said lying a little.

It was true that she couldn't remember anything at first, but after a short while she starts to remember things she couldn't quite understand, the only thing she was sure of was her name, as she heard people calling her by that name in her dream.

"That's why I told you to take her to the hospital-" starts Masaomi saying but was cut off by saya shouting " NO! YOU PROMISED!" she said looking at Kaname feeling betrayed.

"Calm down saya, no one's gonna take you to the hospital" said Kaname .

"But-" "no Masaomi, you see how frightened she is of hospitals" said Kaname cutting his brother off.

" I understand that you are afraid to go to the hospital, miss saya, but we must take you there to see what's wrong with your brain and maybe try to recover your memories back" said Masaomi trying to ease her into going.

But saya only shook her head no, pushing herself deep into the couch.

"Maybe it's temporary....maybe with a little time she will remember, I mean I'm not an expert but you got the point.." Tsubaki said feeling petty for the young girl.

"Well, it's true that usually when someone had an accident and suffer from memory Lost, they only need some time to remember" agreed Masaomi.

" Yeah, Like when Yusuke had an accident and hit his head ! " Joined in Azusa.

"So it's decided, let her stay and tomorrow morning we will discuss what to do, plus I'm sure that saya here want to rest a little after all that happened" proposed Kaname.

Upon hearing Kaname, saya looked at them with a relieved face saying, " thank you so much, I'll make sure to remember your kindness".

After a while, they all agreed to kaname's proposition, to let her stay the night in the guest room.

" I don't mind sharing my room with you though" said Tsubaki winking at her, which made her cringe a little.

"Tsubaki...stop your non-sens," Azusa told his shameless brother before he looked at her saying, " I'm sorry for my brother's rudeness, he is harmless, don't worry about him".

"Well then.. if you could follow me to the guest room, it's this way" asked Masaomi.

Saya nodded. she had a hard time standing up, for she was in a sitting position for a long time. As she finally stand, she tried to take a step but couldn't help but fall back into the couch.

Feeling ashamed, she tried again only to feel a pair of arms wrapping around her and lifting her like a princess.

"W-wait..! Please don't bother yourself with me, I can handle myself..." She said feeling a little flushed.

Kaname only looked down at her before saying " it's my pleasure to help such a cute lady".

And then they headed to the guest room, and explained to her that if she hasn't gain her memory back by tomorrow morning, they will contact the police and send her to the hospital.

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