Act 2

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      Saya spend an awful night, she couldn't sleep at all, as memories from the past came back to hunt her, Images tainted with blood flashed through her eyes, and then out of no where she was not in the guest room anymore, she was standing in the middle of a forest, blood was everywhere, corpses spread around her, some were cut in half and some had missing limbs, she stumbled and fell to the ground face to face with a half head, she brought her hands to her mouth to suppress a cream only to notice that she was holding a sword. "No..I-I didn't do this....It..I-It WASN'T ME!" she kept on repeating the same words, again and again, as to convince herself that those words were true.
She was frightened, scared, not of what she saw but of herself, of what she did, the guilt building itself to her core"I-I...want t-to forget!..I can't anymore-

"Sister, Live".

Upon hearing those words, like a spell from fairy tales, everything was back to normal, she looked up ,shocked, tears start to pour down like a river.

"Diva!...I'm" saya was sobbing like a child who was snatched from his mother, repeatedly saying how sorry she was.

After a few hours, saya was lying in her bed lifeless, tired of crying, wondering what's next, she always thought that after killing her sister ,Diva, she would kill herself, but Diva prohibited her from doing so, in addition her lover convinced her to live by his side by telling her that her
-sins can be atoned for while you are alive-

She was so focused on her thoughts that she didn't even notice the sun rising, until it hit her face. A nice smell came to her nose which made her stomach grumbles, so she did what a normal person would do, she followed the sent untill she reached the living room she was in the day before. It was spacious, with an open kitchen and a large table, which made her thought that it was a big family, but only a few chairs were served, so without thinking she sat at a chair which was served and start to eat.

"...hem....good morning?" Said a blond man with the brightest blue eyes ever seen, to the girl who's mouth was filled with rice.

Choking on her food, she rapidly swallow up the rice, " good morning, sir?"

The atmosphere was awkward neither of them knew what to say.

" My name is ukyo asahina, can I have yours ?" Said the blond one.

" Saya " she said ashamed, after all, she was caught up eating someone else's food.

" Are you one of my brothers friend?" Asked ukyo, feeling she could maybe be Yusuke's or iori's class mate.

" Kaname-san brought me here with him yesterday...-" she tired to said but got cut off by ukyo cursing his brother.

" Of course! it's that shameless monk..bringing girls, who looks obviously underage.."he started to mumble to himself, finally noticing her he said "please, be at ease and continue you meal, I'll be right back, I'm just gonna put some 'sens' In my brothers head " and left with the fried pen in his hand.

" Thank you !" She didn't hesitate a second and continued her meal.

It's was a known fact that saya don't drink human blood, she usually get a perfusion of blood every day and consumes a lot a of food due to insufficient consumption of blood.

Unknown to her, another man went down the stairs to sit across her, she was too focused on eating, as she felt like she didn't eat since ages, he didn't seem to notice the beauty who was before him, as he was still sleepy, upon seeing her, he was taken aback, his face went red,  before him was a beautiful creature who seemed to be from another world, he couldn't help but stares at her.

" Well, well, well, it seems like my little brother Subaru is acting shy~" Tsubaki teased his brother.

Hearing a voice saya turned her head to see who's speaking, " ah ! Good morning Tsubaki-san, and thank you again for yesterday!" Said saya standing up to bow.

" You are even more beautiful now that I can see you clearly".

" Tsubaki-nii who's this ? " Asked Subaru.

" Em...Im saya, nice to meet you "

" Ah , I see that you are doing well today " said Masaomi after entering the living room. " Do you have your memory back?". She took a step back unconsciously, having some flash backs of what happened during the night.

" Y-yes....thanks for letting me stay the night here" his question brought her back to reality, like slap in the face, all the guilt that was gone, came back again to taunt her, how dare she eat like nothing happened, shameless, selfish, "but I think it's time for me to go".

Right then Ukyo was back with Kaname, hearing her say that, Kaname asked her " why don't you stay at least until someone come to pick you up ".

" Yeah, and our little sister Emma could give you some new clothes, those are thorns" suggested Masaomi.

"I-I don't want to bother you.." she said with a small voice. She new that it was a dangerous thing to do if she stayed, first and foremost, she just woke up from her hibernation and even if she ate a lot she still needs blood if she doesn't want to go on a rampage, but she decided to wait with them, she thought it was safer than to go into the unknown and wonder in the street.

After waiting for Emma to wake up, she wore the new clothes that were given to her, and decided to contact her brother Kai.

She was sitting in the couch holding the phone for a few minutes now ,hoping he didn't change his emergency number, not daring to call, she took a deep breath with a "you can do it" and composed the digits, after a few ringtones someone picked up " hello?" She grabs the hem of her shorts " K-Kai? It's me....saya",

"SAYA?! YOU WOKE UP? WHEN? W-WHERE ARE YOU NOW ?!" Shouted Kai through the phone, panic could be clearly heard in his voice. She chuckled a little thinking he didn't change.

Hearing his voice seemed to bring back some sweet memories , the time when she was just a normal highschool girl, living a boring life with her brothers and father...she felt her eyes become teary, but didn't want to cry so she did her best to hold up, and after a deep breath, she gave him the address to come pick her up.

"He said that he is on his way" she told the brothers.

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