Chapter 24: Perspective From Others

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* Shank!*

Manchester spits a goblin on his sword, one of the last in the decimated village. He is leading his team through his training drill. Now they were waiting for the hobgoblins and gobalinas to come in and attack. The hunters have already killed many childern without hesitation and the mages has set fire to some goblins becuase they were ugly. Chiyo could only gag at the scene. This got her attention from from everone.

" Seriously, how useless can you be?!" Abigail screams. " Why didn't you kill any goblins."

" If you can't handle this then get out!" Sullivan glares.

" Why do you feel for these thing, they are simply mobs. They are born to be our fodder," Francisco repermands.

Chiyo turns towards some rusting. What ever it is, its coming in fast.

A white dire wolf burst out of the brush. Its carrying a black pup and a strange looking creature.

The tanks block her way, both groups get knocked back.

" ****!" The dire wolf barks.

" Alrighly miss wolfy, your going to be my next fur coat and meal." Manchester walks up to the slightly dazed wolf.

Meanwhile, Abigail is sqeezing the cute creature. " Cutie!" She squeals.

The creature is struggling against the hug. " Let go, miss flats!"

Abigail gets mad and uses a fire ball on the creature. It connects but does little damage. Meanwhile the pup is crying for its mom.


" Don't care Wo-GAH!" Manchester tries attacking but is sent flying.

Then the creature attacks. She makes explosive arrows and flings them all over. Then Winter grabs the creature and the pup and runs. Shortly after they leave, dark elves blitz by chasing the lycan.

Manchester gets up, ready to join the party, but is stopped by Chiyo.

" You better have a good reason for this," he glares at the healer.

" The hobgoblins are still coming. If we kill them, then the king will come. If we kill the king, the farming village will not be threatened anymore and the mines will be liberated. Not to mention that dire wolf was able to beat you easily. Not to mention dark elves, which out of our league. Don't be foolish," Chiyo exsplains calmly.

" Oh, right. We need to get stronger to kill that dragon *****," Francisco realizes kinda.

Then the hobgoblins and gobalinas came and the slaughter continued. Meanwhile, King Darren was going to get a terrifying visitor.


Within his chambers, the paranoid king was sitting on his bed. He was having a slight breakdown, and the sudden dimming of candles and his curtains being drawn closed. His door was slammed shut and locked. A black mist started to leak from the darkest corner of his room. Darren was alone, isolated from his gaurd. That mist became a dense fog, lighting the candles. But this time the candles were a menacing violet. Out if the blackness came a woman clad in a black dress. She had pale skin, orange eyes and black in her sclera. Her lips and hair were a dark violet and she had rams horns. She had feathered wings.

" My dearest Darren," she said to the ever terrified king. " How is my husband? You never write."

" G-Gwendonlyn, I-I." Darren replies. " I'm sorry, its just that ever since went down this path, I have been terrified of you. "

" Why dearest. I'm like the driven snow in my in terms of my new kind. And besides, I'm still your wife. I'm just sad that you didn't join me. You yourself can be eternal young and powerful. And you can help get my revenge on that dragon Henry," she sat next to Darren. " However, I've been quite bored."

(A/N Gwendolyn used her ability, and what followed next I refuse to write. NEXT.)


I think its time I try out my HUD. Mage, activate HUD tutorial mode.

" Running program now."

My vision becomes a redish screen. It's like iron man's HUD, but not really. Amd so, I get taught everything about the HUD. Time, temp, map and people I know and their condotions. In one word, all green across the board. Nice.

So I guess i need to hold that boring meeting. Ugh. Time to send the invitations.

I write four invites to the leaders of the towns. Then I have my guard deliver them. I already know about Cherbourg and Lentheb, but I will have to later visit Darain and Secola.

Darain from what I hear is a mining town and Secola is located by a river. Fish is of course their main way of making money. I plan on it happening tomorrow, so I guess there is nothing to do but train.


A young looking woman walks up to a throne in a dark room. She bows humbly to the one who occupied the room.

" Lord Victor, it is good to see you. You called?" A slightly familiar voice calls.

" Oracle, I see you have once again stolen the youth from many a young women." Victor comments. " I do ask if they were the duaghters of those who dared gossip behind my back."

" Indeed Victor. Those simpleton need to know that you are great. You deserve put right respect and loyalty!" The woman begins a speech. " Your ways are great, and your power immense. You are the most hansome in the land. Those who see you should feel joy to even lay their eyes on your greatness!!"

" Oracle, what does my fate say?" Victor cuts to the chase.

The oracle stops, she looks physically distressed. " My apologies my lord, but its the same as before. And the arrival of the floozy Cherna doesn't help things. "

" Cherna can't kill me, she is too weak and hot-headed. Ill be suprised if she doesn't attack. However, how is the Dragon's Bain progressing?" Victor adds his thoughts.

" Lord Victor, the planners say total annihilation." The o'clock responds. " Also, my lord. I have confirmed that I have you successor coming in a few months. I'm beyond honored you have given me the chance to give you your successor. But long may you reign!!" The oracle proclaims.

She leaves, happier then when she walked in. Victor then carries on his business, next comes a count that in his eyes isn't good enough and kills the unfortunate count.


The Great king of Aqarious King Edward goes over again the letter addressed to him. The dragon lord wishes to meet with him. Henry's kin, Cherna-who is also the dragon lord-wants to meet with him. Edward was in utter suprise. But he didn't dwell on that as he saw to the preparation to meet with a potential ally. He made room in his schedule and informed his best chefs. He wrote a reply letter.

To Lord Cherna
I am honored you wish to meet with me, I will happily meet with you in 3 days. I would prefer if you went through the city and not fly over. Once again I am honored you have decied to grace my capital with your presence.
Signed King Edward II, King of Aqarious

And through some unknown magic, it was set on fire and the smoke went it way.

And at the residence of Cherna, a puff of smoke poofed into existence, manifesting a letter. Reading it, Cherna let both her knights know the wedding will take place in around 3 days. Both of them joyus that they will officially be bonded through matrimony.

To be continued.......

Thank you for reading. Please like, comment and share. Till next time, bye.

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