Chapter 25: The Two Improtant Meetings.

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Thanks for deciding to read this, I hope you enjoy this. Let me know about grammer errors. And btw, this is kinda political. But in a good, building a town, kind-of way. But if you don't like that, skip to the next chapter. And also, this chapter is a long one.

Two days ago, I put in invitation to the leaders of the villages in the area. Now they are here infront of me. Maximilian Robertson from Cherbourg, Loria Detra from Lentheb, Ferdinand Kolat from Darain and Juniper Liona from Secola. These four towns operated like city states, only trading with each other and minding each other's business. But today we will discuss how they will work together under me.

I hosted the meeting in my mansion, its the best place for privacy. I had Barley prepare some potato chips and iced lemon water for the meeting. Then came the time for the big meeting. Sébastien led the four leaders of the villages in, and they were in wonder at my wealth. Then their eyes fell on me, and the bowed.

" Greetings leaders of my towns. I welcome you to my home, and I hope you are well." I welcomed them in a formal tone. " You may rise and take a seat."

And so they did, and I decided to get to know everone as well as how business is going.

" Maximilian, how goes running Cherbourg?" I take my seat.

" All is well Cherna, the towns people are excited that the road is nearly finished." Maximilian responds.

" Good. Loria, how is business in Lentheb?" I turn to the lamia.

" Lord Cherna, all I can say is that the masons are still suprised by this progect. Your request for stone cut into the shape they are is interesting. Country roads like this are a rarity. However the merchants are a buzz over this new direct route," Loria replies.

" Well, its good to see that 50% of the target group is happy." I responded to the news.

Then I turn my attention to Ferdinand, an dwarf from Darain.

" Greetings Ferdinand, tell me. How is it like in Darain?" I ask the dwarf.

" Lord Cherna, it is a wonder town for those who respect strength. You would like it there. And may I say its an honor to meet you oh great dragon," Ferdinand replies.

" Good to hear Ferdinand," I then turn to Juniper. " Juniper, how is the fishing in Secola?"

" Its good," Juniper said meekly. " And its a pleasure to meet your greatness."

So, Juniper is a shy one. Best not to push it. Ok, now to get down to business.

" There will be time later for me to get to know you all better, for now let us discuss my policies." I begin the true discussion. " To begin, let us talk about economics."

I use the map and some mini wood pieces as visual.

" Specifically trade," I place the wood pieces with their corresponding towns."

" What about it?" Juniper asks.

" Consider the following, the only way to trade goods from town to town is through hiring private international merchants. Not only do they get payed the private fees, they also have hazard fees and usually take a small percentage of the goods. And considering they can charge more than how much they can bye it, its the merchants that dominate the market," I exsplain.

" Well, I the there is the fact that the fees will fluctuate between Lentheb and Cherbourg once the road is officially finished." Loria notes. " But I do have an idea of where you're going with this Cherna."

" Loria, you have great knowledge of logistics. Its great that your village has you as a leader. " I respond to Loria's commentary. " You see, you all lead independent villages, each having its own situation and market. Put simply, this is ideal to merchants since its very easy to do business. But I have a plan which will cut them out and improve transportation and the already well relations. You see, united under me a system will be put in place. Resources will be transported by local residents running freight carts using a series of paved roads running in between the towns. The flight system will only need costs of maintenance and paying employment. Building new facilities will open jobs to the few that don't have employment. While high inflation merchants is more readily available and efficient, it only seems that way becuase starting up the freighter system will be a massive logistical undertaking. But when war comes, merchants will be blocked off and we will need transport. At that point it will become a mess will have baked rushed efforts. And will this ambition of the freight system, we will need to reorganize the way each town does business with each other."

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