Day 2: Trust

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Bani wakes up early morning and see that veer is standing with a tray..
The tray has coffee,tea,lime juice, fruit juice..
Bani: ye sab kya hai..
Veer: I am not sure what would you like to have in the morning. So got everything for you..
Bani laughs..
She looks at tray to pick up the appropriate one..
She picks up fruit juice..
Veer feels happy she liked something.. he picks up black coffee and they sit and have it together 😊

Bani is sitting in her bed enjoying her juice.. veer sitting beside her looking at her..

Veer's pov..
How much ever I try not to fall in love with her my heart does not stop.. it always makes me to love her even more.. and smiles..
Bani: kya hua
Veer : kuch nahi

Suddenly bani gets a call from jai.. that makes veer uncomfortable..
But now since veer is her friend he can not ask her not to take the call..
Veer: it's okay if you want to pick up his call you can take it..
Bani: cuts the call.. I have promised you that I will not take jai's call for a week. I never break my promises..
On the other end jai gets irritated as bani is not picking up his call..

Bani tells veer she will go and take shower and come..
Veer agrees.
Bani goes into the bathroom and tries to open the nob.. and looks like there is no water in the tank..
She informs veer that there is no water..
Veer: nahi nahi paani hoga.. that water tab has some issues.. you have to apply force sometimes to make it work.. Can I come inside ?

Bani is standing without any cloths..
Bani: nahi maine kuch pehna nahi hai..
Veer: it's okay I will not look at you.. for now you can wrap a towel around you.. I promise..
Bani's brain not letting her to trust him but her heart wants to respect his promise..

Bani quickly wraps a towel around her..

And ask him to come inside.. she stands near the door..

veer's pov
How can I stay without looking at her.. but how can break the promise that I made to her.. he just decides to carry on with what he was supposed to do..
Bani's POV
How can veer be so obedient.. how can he not look at me.. He is respecting his promise.. I have never seen some one considering promises so seriously.

Veer puts some force on the tap and water oozes out and all the water falls on veer.. he is totally drenched now..
Bani gets shocked..
She just runs inorder to save him and she forgets that she is in towel.. 😄
She goes and she slips due to a soap which was on the ground..
She falls directly on top of veer..
Veer is so mesmerized by seeing her in this Avatar..
Bani is lost in his eyes..
Veer just looks at her eyes to avoid awakard situation..

Bani on the other hand gathers herself up and was about stand up again she falls on him..
Veer feels the pain on his tummy..
Veer screams ouch..
Bani: sorry veer.. so sorry..
Veer it's okay..
Veer: unknowingly I have broken my promise.. sorry for that..

Bani : no no it was not your fault . The fault was mine.. I should have been more careful.
Veer laughs.. bani too laughs..
Veer says he is going out she can take a bath..
Veer leaves bathroom...
Bani looks at the mirror and sees a smile on her face and the reason for her smile is none other than veer..

Bani takes shower and comes outside sees veer in drying his hair and he is not wearing any shirt..
Bani looks at him and she feels how can I not fall in love with this guy .. he is muscualr,charming,funny, understanding... And suddenly she sees veer is looking at her via mirror..

Bani is bit awkward as she feels she kind of put him into awkward situation..
Veer understands this and he tells her that it's okay.. these things happens..

Bani feels glad that he understood that it was not intentional.

Veer combs his hair and goes outside..

A forbidden Tale of love & revenge (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now