Part 2

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Frank waited by his classroom door as family after family approached, convinced their kids to let go of them, and left for work, or whatever other daily activities they had.

Soon enough, three familiar faces approached.

Bandit was holding Gerard's hand and leading him forward at a sprinting pace, while Miles was holding his other hand and clinging to his leg, trying to drag him backwards. Gerard, meanwhile, was simultaneously trying to tell Bandit to slow down and convince Miles to hurry up.

He looked up to the door nervously, and Frank sent him a sympathetic look.

Gerard smiled anxiously back, clearly worried about the day.

Eventually they reached the classroom, despite Miles' best efforts, and Frank led them into the classroom to re-show them where to put their back packs. 

Bandit hung hers up eaglerly, but Miles refused to remove his tiny Spider-Man bag.

Frank was going to reassure him, but Gerard bent down first, wrapping his son in a hug.

 "You'll be okay, buddy," he said. "I know it's scary, but it will get better."

 Miles' brown eyes shone with tears.

 "Are you sure, Daddy?" he asked timidly.

 Gerard nodded, looking close to tears himself.

 "You'll be okay, and I'll be just a few blocks away at work okay? And Mr. Frank will take care of you, and Bandit will be here, right?" He continued.

Miles nodded, looking up at Frank trustingly.

 "D-do you think they might not like me?" he questioned.

 "I know they'll love you, buddy."

 Miles nodded bravely, reluctantly slipping his bag off and carefully hooking it in his cubby, beside his sister's.

He went to Frank, Gerard following behind.

 "I'm ready, Mr. Frank," he said.

 "Okay, Miles," he said, leading the boy into the main classroom. "You can choose a seat on the carpet, anywhere is okay."

 Frank watched as Miles carefully sat in a green square on the rainbow striped carpet, and noticed Gerard watching him carefully biting his lip adorably with nerves.

The younger man brushed his hair out of his eyes and refocused on Frank, stealing one last glance at his kids.

"Are you sure they'll be okay?" he said nervously.

Frank raised his right hand as if to deliver a pledge.

"Positive," he said. "It's a very safe school."

"Yeah, okay, it's just... I don't know. Is it normal too be this nervous?"

Frank laughed gently to reassure him.


"Okay..." Gerard ran his hand through his hair, then glanced up at the clock. "Oh, uh, I should go, sorry, I start work in like five minutes."

He looked absolutely terrified. Frank wasn't sure what of, but he didn't like the look of it on his cute face.

Gerard quickly said goodbye to his kids, and basically ran out the door, because he really was super late at that point.

Frank returned to his position at the door, welcoming kids until everyone was present, and the bell rang.

 "Okay everyone," he said, standing in front of the whiteboard which the carpet was positioned in front of. "I'm gonna call out your names, and if I say your name, say hi, and tell the class your favorite color, okay?"

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