We're back

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Dipper could feel the warm breeze lifting his head up. He was busy looking at his new journal. He'd only bought it a few weeks ago, especially because he was staying in Gravity Falls for the summer. He was excited to find new discoveries and talk to Grunkle Ford. Mabel on the other hand, she was excited because she could meet Candy and Grenda, hopefully, if they didn't leave town. This was the time of the year they'd been waiting for. Last year was crazy, filled with unpleasant surprises, Bill, especially Bill, and fun memories like golf-cart racing and ballon fights. They were hopeful to make this year even better. They felt it in their heart.

"DIPPER?!" screamed Mabel. Dipper sighed.

"Yes?"Dipper asked, "I'm trying to enjoy some peace and quiet here!"

"Yeah, I know, "Mabel said, "Where are you?"

"By the tree"

She swerved around the corner to find Dipper sitting peacefully with his book open. Like always. She sat next to him licking her lolly which was dripping in her hand.

"Don't get my book dirty!"Dipper said kind of annoyed since he was trying to enjoy some time alone.

"What's inside your new journal?"Mabel questioned ignoring what he said.

"Nothing...I haven't really found anything yet"Dipper muttered.

"Don't worry," Mabel said reassuring him,"Ford will come back eventually,"

She patted him on the back.

"Besides, you have me, Waddles and Stan to talk too," Mabel grinned.

Mabel was always optimistic. She always had hope for things that seemed impossible and looked towards the bright side of things. She's an inspiration to a lot of people. Even Dipper and although she's a bit crazy, there's no real reason to hate her.

"Yeah...I guess" Dipper said a little unsure.

A little backstory. Before they arrived, Ford disappeared. Apparently with no evidence of where he was last seen.No one really thought he was dead.No one wanted to admit it or think about the possibility of it happening. But Dipper thinks...well:

1, Someones lying and knows a bit about what's going on or

2, It has something to do with Bill and the portal.

This scared Dipper a lot thinking about it and it also annoyed him. He felt like he was the only one that actually cared about this situation. He thinks everyone's taking this so lightly. What if this was a sign for something more dangerous to come? What if Ford never comes back? All the chances of this happening and no one cares or even talks about it. It's like they want to forget.

Dipper and Ford had a strong connection. Yes, they were both nerds and interested in solving mysteries but it was more than that. He'd always wanted someone to talk to about interests he was basically obsessed about and all of a sudden that one person is gone. Now it was back to stealing sweets from shops and whatever Mabel liked doing. Not that he didn't like it but...he just really wanted everything to go back to normal. It didn't feel normal. It didn't at all.

"Be sure to come back before 6!"Mabel blurted, "We're watching the same movie we watched yesterday since it was really good!" Mabel then began running off back to the house.

Dipper smiled a little. He felt better, even though it felt weird, at least there was something. And for the first time in forever, there was hope. Only a little bit. But he could feel it in his heart.

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