A Pleasant Suprise

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The trees hummed as Mabel walked through the woods very cautiously. In the corner of her eye, she saw a journal. She seemed pretty shocked. Quickly, she grabbed it analysing it thoroughly. It had an image of an Illuminati, on the cover, with the number 4 inside."Oh boy," Mabel thought. She started shaking. The wind blew her hair into her face whilst she trembled with the book clutched in her hand. She felt goosebumps on her arms.

"Oh boy indeed..." said a familiar voice
Mabel gasped.

"ITS YOU!" She shouted not meaning too whilst twisting her head around.

A slight chuckle.

"What a pleasant surprise..."He replied, "Happy to see me?"

"You're alive?! What do you want?"Mabel said angrily looking in all directions.
The trees blew rapidly in the wind and it suddenly poured down with rain.

He clicked his fingers and magically came the same book Mabel was holding crashing down from the sky.

"Pretty simple kid," said the same voice.

Mabel looked at the book and on the floor.

"This?"She questioned very confusedly.

"What do you think?" said a deeper angry voice.

Then out of nowhere, in a puff of smoke, he appeared standing right in front of her picking up the book and flicking through it like it was his prized possession.

"Someone is hiding this, and I think you might know who it is,"

"What? I thought you burnt all the books last time!"Mabel screamed shakingly.

"This one's different, someone's keeping it, hiding it so that I won't be able to find it, "He explained.

"Your job is to find it, take it and give it to me,"

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!"Mabel yelled, "I'm never going to help you, you tried ruining Gravity Falls last time, all I know is that your gonna use it for evil again!"

"You might be correct, but if not, you know the consequences...I can ruin everything ...it's pretty simple,"

He clicked his fingers and then teleported on top of a tree.

"It's pretty simple,"

Suddenly, a ring of fire surrounded Mabel whilst it roared violently in the bitter, cold weather.

"NO PLEASE, DON'T!" Mabel begged.

"You have TWO weeks, I'm being generous with you kid, and if you don't, it's obvious what I'm going to do to you," He threatened.

He threw the book into the fire and it slowly burnt.

Mabel woke up startled. She felt like screaming or being sick but she couldn't feel anything.

"What am I going to do?"Mabel thought helplessly. Her mind buzzed and her eyes were sore. Usually, it was Dipper that would get these nightmares with Bill and she was confused. Why her? And also, Bill's alive! She didn't know whether to tell them the truth or just continue with the summer. Act like everything's okay.

"I swear Dipper will go nuts if I told him..."Mabel thought very focused."It must have something to do with Ford..."

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