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Danny stares up at Spencer in sadness.

"I'm sorry," his picks up his bag from off the floor, his 'go bag' he calls it. "I'll be back in a few days."

They look at each other for a second longer, Spencer's chocolate eyes melting into Danny's.

They have been the best of roommates the past few days. Danny takes the couch, yet always wakes up in Spencer's bed. She can't even imagine the doctor lifting her in his arms, but she wishes she would have been conscious for that. He claims he's not a gentleman unless he offers the girl the best sleeping place in the apartment. Though Danny didn't mind sleeping on the couch.

Danny has woken multiple times to Spencer in the kitchen, whipping up some eggs or just a bowl of cereal. The student secretly thinks he likes playing host.

"I'll miss you," Danny shyly looks to the ground, her face heating up. Why did she let that come out?

Spencer's face drops, realizing that he's leaving Danny alone by herself in his apartment. With all that she has been through, he wouldn't have left if it wasn't for a case. He was still trying to solve Danny's attack on the side.

"I'll miss you too," Spencer shoulders his bag, looking equally as awkward.

Many things have happened over the course of the few days that Danny was here to make her fall head over heels for the agent. One, the fact that they almost kissed on the couch. Another, was when they were watching Halloween, and Danny cuddled up to Spencer throughout the whole movie. She was terrified, and Spencer never let her go. Yet still, another incident was when Danny accidentally walked in on him with only his pants on. His chest, toned and slender, for her to gaze upon.

It was a wonder she didn't just jump him from all the sexual tension. And boy, was there tension. They couldn't even look each other in the eyes for a long time without turning a light scarlet. Danny would fiddle with her fingers, Spencer would rock on the balls of his feet at the awkward silences.

"So," he pauses to scratch his cheek, "I'll see you in a few days."

"Yeah, you said that," Danny nods her head. Her chest tightening at the thought of the safety of Spencer not being around. She always felt so safe with him. Even if he was just humming away to classical music in another room.

Spencer turns away making strides for the door and crestfallen look washes over Danny's face. She hugs her arms to her chest, looking at Spencer retreating figure through her lashes, when she sees him pause.

He mutters something unintelligible. Danny is just about to ask what he said when he turns back in a a flurry. Two steps of his long legs and he's towering over Danny.

One hand gets wound in her hair and the other rests on her hip. Spence pulls her closer until they are flush together, feeling the expanse of her body up against his own.

Danny, on the other hand, freezes in shock. It's not like they haven't been physically close before, but never this close, never two hands on each other close. Danny can only grip onto Spencer's biceps for dear life.

He looks between Danny's eyes a few times before glancing at her lips, and that's the only warning the poor girl gets before she is assaulted on the lips by a genius. His mouth slants over Danny's, his kiss bruising with force. She certainly will have this imprinted in her brain for forever.

He steps back with a final look at her swollen lips and hikes out without a care in the world, leaving Danny reeling.

Staring ahead, she takes a seat on the floor, looking at nothing, she tries to get some sensible thought in her head. Yet, it still seems to be blank, like Spencer sucked the soul right out of her.

She looks down to make sure she's not a pile of mush on the floor. No, still solid.


Spencer climbs onto the jet, feeling like deja vu all over again. Once again, he is on the plane, and once again, he can only think of Danny as he stares at the case file in his hand.

When he doesn't notice, is that the team seems to pick up on his mood again.

"Hey Reid? You okay?" Rossi is the one to ask this time, noticing that the young genius hasn't contributed any interesting facts or statistics on the case.

"Yeah I'm good," he glances through the file, reading at the speed of light.

"How's Dan?" Morgan asks. He leans forward to gage the reaction on Spencer's face. And he did not fail to disappoint.

Spencer's eyes stop on the paper, freezing in time. His whole body is still, but fingers twitch and start a beat on the arm rest.

"Good," he shoots out. Glancing at Morgan, but not looking him in the eye.

JJ leans forward "Did something bad happen again?" Her motherly instincts kick in.

Spencer shakes his head making a sound of dismissal. His hands speed up the beat and the doctor can't help the smirk that grows on his lips. He wants to shout to the world that he kissed Danny.

The members look at each other when they see the small smile. "Uh Reid, don't leave up in the dark here," Prentiss speaks up.

"We kissed," Reid mumbles out, his head tilted down and away from the prying eyes of his team, cheeks starting to stain a light pink.

Morgan is the first one to react, "my man!"

"Oh this is so cute," Garcia squeals from the camera. Jumping in her chair excitedly.

"So you're dating now?" Rossi leans forward to ask. His mind is on the bet and the money he wants to receive from his teammates. It's been over a week now so Morgan's time is almost up. David hopes that Reid gets a move on to ask Dan out already. After another week of course, he doesn't want Morgan to win.

"No," Spencer shakes his curls back and forth. His hands play with the Manila folder.

"I think you should," Morgan pats Reid's back, "call tomorrow and ask Dan out on a date."

"You think I should?" His hopeful eyes perk up.

"No," Rossi shakes his head. "Wait another week. Then you should just ask."

"Well maybe you should wait longer than that. What if Dan's not ready to date? Do you know a lot about this person?" Prentiss nods her head trying to get Reid to subtly agree with her by using positive body language. JJ also nods her head.

The youngest member looks around at his team in confusion. He can't tell what's going on but he thinks maybe talking about Danny wasn't the best thing. They all seem way too invested, and didn't exactly give him the answers he wants.

"So, back to the case," he scratches at his cheek and starts stating facts about the city and how a lot of murders happen in the winter months, not in fall. 


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