"My Unfinished Symphony!"

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Spoilers for the Dream SMP Final

TW: Death, blood, wound

Written by AjaxAth


Far stood in front of everyone, her brown hair swaying as the wind blew gently. Her green eyes were bright and wide with excitement as she was finishing her speak after they won the war- they actually won! "-Everyone has fought for this nation - against it, or to reclaim it-" she looked towards the crowd, locking eyes with Woe before continuing. "-And that's what counts. Thank you, everyone, it's been-" Suddenly she couldn't be heard over everyone shouting and clapping in victory.

A smile sat upon Mumjax's face as he shouted, "A toast!" He stood as he shouted, raising his hand to freedom, to independence. "A toast," he said again, much quieter than the first. His hand dropped down to his side as his face fell. Throughout the chaos, the redstoner was able to slip away from everything. He was watching his back, making sure he wasn't being followed or watched until he was in a full sprint, digging himself into a small stone room.

There were scribbles of song lyrics drawn all over the walls and floor, with a single wooded button in the center of the back wall.

"I've- I'll be honest with you. I've been wondering this whole time if it works. I've been thinking to myself, 'w-would- would it- does it still work?'. 'Cause, I fixed it up for today, but. . . there's um, always- whenever I'm here I'm reminded of the song that I scribbled on the walls." Mumjax sighed quietly, running a hand over the words darted everywhere as he continued to speak. "T-The, you know, there was a special place!- There was a special place. Where men could go to emancipate. You know," he said the end softly, his hand falling from the wall and curling into a ball at his side.

"And there was definitely that special place existed once, it did, it did." He took a deep breath, starting to pace back and forth around the room, trying to calm his own anxiousness and nerves as he rambled on to himself. "And. . . the thing that I built this nation for doesn't exist anymore! Th-The thing I worked towards doesn't exist anymore. It's over."

"What are you doing?"

The mustached man abruptly stopped his pacing, looking around with wide eyes. "Xee?"

"What are you doing?" the server admin asked again. He gulped, looking around again.

"Xee, where are you?" he asked with a panicking voice, his back on the farthest back wall. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, awaiting a reply. The cloak around his shoulders was at a rest, unlike himself as he pulled the hood down so it rested on his back.

"I'm joining the server now."

Mumjax's voice was rushed and together as he spoke, stuttering over himself.

"I-I'm not- I wasn't doing anything, we just made Far president, we um, we made Farm president we won, we won the war! Jerroc's gone, Jerroc's gone Xee so it's um-"

Xee hummed, "uh-huh. Uh-huh."

"It's- It's good," Mumjax said to no one in particular, starting to pace again as he heard Xee ask him a question. "So, you are where exactly now?"

Mumjax hesitated. "In L'jermitcraft sort of area- I don't think you've been here, it's the area around L'jermitcraft- G- Geo- Geography and that it-it's-" He took a deep breath to try and calm his panicky voice. "It's Geography n' stu-" Mumjax cuts himself off as he saw the shorter hermit standing at the door. The air was tense and silent as Mumjax's pulse raced.

"Xee," Mumjax said sheepishly after a few too many extra silent moments.


There was a pause.

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