Chapter 2 "What Is This Feeling?"

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Hello again!
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
Tell me if you have anything you would love me to add.
Maybe tell me if your liking it so far!
But enjoy!
(E/C) - Eye color
(H/C)- Hair color

Chapter 2

The next day...

I got out of bed today not knowing what would have come out of it. I don't usually like getting up in the morning, not if it's all for nothing. I should just give It up already... I have no hope. I got dressed and went down the stairs.

"Good morning Kyo-kun!" Tohru said while making breakfast.

"What are you making?" I asked her. "Oh just some eggs." She replied.

She had been making us breakfast everyday from the start of this week.

"Don't you want me to make it sometime? I feel bad." "Oh no don't worry I enjoy it!" She seemed so happy all the time hard to pick out what she's feeling.

"Wait a second... a-are those c-chives?"I exclaimed in disgust." Oh no I'm so sorry Kyo I completely forgot!" She said, while scattering to turn the kettle off. Suddenly a big thump came from the stairs.

"Good morning Miss Honda." Yuki said in his scratchy morning voice. " O-oh Yuki good morning!" She said while setting the table.

Suddenly I felt a rage.

"You damn rat who invited you!, go back upstairs, and what took you so long? Probably picking your ass-"I had got cut of by Yuki shoving some chives in my mouth.

"I-I'll kill you some day... I swear!"

Still trying to clean my mouth out I heard the doorbell ring. Me and the damn rat both looked at Tohru for an answer.

"O-oh right I'm sorry, I forgot I invited (Y/N) to walk with us today, do you mind getting the door Kyo?"

I walked towards the door and opened it all so slightly. "H-hello" she said as she stuttered off her tongue. Why did she always have her head down? Almost like she's scared to talk to anyone.

"W-well Carrot top are you g-gonna let me in or what?" She said while motioning to the inside of the house. "O-oh right come in..." I led her to the kitchen.

Why did she call me by carrots?

"Oh (Y/N)!" Tohru said while giving a warm smile to welcome her. "We should get going" I said while looking at (Y/N). Why did I enjoy looking at her (E/C) eyes so much? There was not a thought behind those eyes, yet you got lost in them.

"C-come on Carrots, quit looking at me!" "S-sorry" I apologized very politely.

We walked for about 10 minutes. Me and Yuki bickering every second of it. When we arrived at school and went to class and took our seats. After class I usually need a breather so I go on to the roof for a break. It's the perfect place to be, it's calming, relaxing, and you can hear the wind hitting against the ground in just the perfect way. I was laying against the wall when I heard someone coming up the ladder.

"O-oh hey Carrot top, d-didn't know you would be up here"(Y/N) shrieked. "AHHH" I jumped in fear, why was she even up here?

"S-sorry roofs have kind of always been my best friend."

Ugh why was she so alike me? But there all the things I thought no one else could feel, or think. "D-don't worry" I said while sliding my head against the wall. "Same here."

The awkward silence was killing me. Seemed like she liked it though.

"You s-seem lonely here all by yourself." She said while moving next to me.

"I don't need anyone's company so what's the point."

I was lying when I said I didn't enjoy the company. The wind started to kick up and blew in our direction. Jeez I'm cold!

"It's freezing out here." She said while shivering. "D-do you want my coat? I'm not cold or anything, seems like you need it more than I do"

I motioned to take off my coat while I demanded for her to take it. Why was I even caring for this chick I just met her.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot!" I muttered to myself.

We sat up there for a pretty long time but she had fell asleep. What was this stupid feeling of mine?

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