Short Poems and Poetry

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Hope and Despair

Black Hope, White Despair
That stretch from the long dark tunnel
If black is despair, then why is it white?
If white is hope then why is it black?
What is the difference?
Black or White?
Hope or Despair?
How until we saw the light of "hope"?
Or is it still a tunnel of despair?
If hope fight against despair
Then how did despair came to light?
The seeds of despair will need nourishment
Which is the light of hope
Fight between hope and despair will continue
Until the victor is certain
Hope or Despair


A Dream Odyssey

In the dreams of the past, what is our destination?
Within a thousand miles, doing step by step
A journey that is further than the universe
To reach the destination of our dream
Yet it was as endless as the stars
Where we'll travel throughout the galaxy
To reach the end of the journey
As it does not matter even if we failed
And then we will pass away without regrets
To see the destination that we finally reach
Our dreams are within the view


End of Life

When will the day come when it ends?
Then why everything happen to our lives
When it came to an end
From the beginning to the very end
Our life is as precious as all wealth combined
However, it will not replace our lost ones
Connected to us like a string
Once it was cut, the connection is lost
It will not recover no matter what
Yet our life remains in this world
Life is as long as an infinite length of strings
It only ends when our life is cut
How much value our life has left
When we finally leave the world
For our future generations to handle
To find the meaning of life


Traveling through Wonders

I am but a traveler
Seeing through the wonders of the world
I saw a mountain where
It holds still, while the river
Flow endlessly
In the passage of the moment


Social Order Spoons

Commoners are dirt spoons
While the middle classes are the bronze spoons
The nobleman is raised as the silver spoons
While the king is the golden spoon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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