Out the Window

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Prompt : Outside the window, you see something you can't believe.







Too loud.


Why so early?


Who's child is that? Why aren't they tending to it and making it shut up?

"Scrappy get your ass up and help the baby it's your turn."

Oh yeah. Why'd I have a kid again?


Damn it. I rolled over to see Alex, sweet Alex, he must've fallen back asleep. I wish I was sleeping. It took so long, oh well.


I sat up and rolled my legs over the edge of the bed pulling my shirt down. Stupid shirt keeps riding up on me in my sleep. Why is everything against me this morning? Just send me an apocalypse, why don't ya.


I begin to rush out the room. "I'm comin'! I'm comin'!"

"That's what he said." *snicker snicker*

Internal sigh because my body refuses anything right now.


oh yeah. oops.

Down the hallway and to the baby's room. Slamming the door open (because loud noise comforts crying children) I picked him up and cradled him.

"Shh buddy. Dada's here, it's okay you're okay."

He instantly calmed down and stared up at me. I have that kind of power with babies. I'm just so handsome they stop and stare.

Or I'm so ugly they can't take their eyes off of a horrid creature like me. But it's definitely the first one. Right?

Such a beautiful baby. Looks just like his daddy. Bright ocean blue eyes. A fresh head of well what was well groomed golden hair.

Of course I have blue eyes and blonde hair too. But it's more of a dirty blonde that never looks clean. My eyes, yeah they're blue, but they're mixed with green to look like mucky lake water. I grew my hair to cover my eyes despite what Alex said against it. Thank goodness the boy didn't get my looks.

I refocus on the baby and take in his sleeping features. What did I do to deserve such a wonderful family?


Outside? But it's like 5 am?

I carefully put the baby down in his crib and cover him with his favorite green dino blanket.

I look outside. There's a man in his underwear with a flag around his shoulders running around yelling things I can barely hear.

Screw society we're moving to the bottom of the ocean.

Prompt taken from ~ Writing Prompts: 60 Ideas You Can Use Today

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