Chapter 1

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While Niall was waiting on the sofa waiting for his 'lover girl' to arrive, Louis was panicking in his room trying to decide what to wear. Niall had dropped a bit of a bombshell when Louis got home, saying Marie was coming over, with a bunch of her friends. Louis didn't exactly know why they all had to come to his apartment, but he decided not to argue about it, since he needed to get dressed and make himself look some bit decent.

The thought of having a bunch of vampires under the same roof scared him, but for Niall he would deal with it for that night. Niall had never been happier recently, all because of his vampire girlfriend. Vampires had announced themselves a couple of decades ago, at first humans were scared of the immortal creatures, but as the years past they got along. They went to school with them and it became a normal thing.

To Niall, Marie was amazing, and louis couldn't deny that he wanted to date a vampire, especially after hearing Niall and Marie in the bedroom. The headboard had been hitting the wall so hard that it had left a dent, and Niall looked so blushed out for days afterwards, apparently the sex was out of this world because of how fast vampires can move. Marie and Niall are an item now, so Louis got to see the vampire a lot more than he liked.

Marie was rough, but Niall looked like he was into that sort of thing. And, vampires were supposed to be naturally rough anyway, and possessive over who they dated. Louis liked the idea of having a caring, but possessive, boyfriend so he wanted to look good for when the vampires came because Niall had tipped him off about a gay vampire. Maybe he would get lucky.

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